Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Supporting our troops?

Something has been bothering me about supporting our troops. Consider this. During the Viet Nam war we had the draft. The draft drew its troop strength from single, able bodied, not yet rooted males. Not to slight them, but this group, for the most part, is composed of men with no established responsibilities. They served their two years, usually only one over seas unless you volunteered. The troops we have fighting in Iraq are older, more established individuals. They are married, some with children or careers who signed up for the National Guard or Army Reserves for an education or extra money for their families. When you call on these guys to do 12 to 24 months active duty you are disrupting, if not destroying families. Try to support a family on their pay. The second largest force in Iraq is the private sector or mercenary army who receive substantially more pay than our N.G or A.R. Plus they volunteered and most likely had their affairs much more in order before they left not to mention being better off financially to handle the situation. I think we would better serve our troops if we spent money on taking care of their families and obligations than paying the private sector troops 2-3 times what they get. Support our troops? When you say it realize what it should mean. More than lip service.

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