Tuesday, December 13, 2005


  • Diebold suit coming over voter fraud in the 2004 election . . . finally
  • Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington sues U.S. State Department to turn over records surrounding response to hurricane Katrina.
  • Fitzgerald on the verge of indicting Karl Rove




Sunday, December 04, 2005


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WHY -- is the Senate Intelligence Committee's investigation into pre-war intelligence on Iraq stalled? After Senate minority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) shut down the Senate in an effort to force discussion on the inquiry a six-member task force was set up to give a progress report with a Nov. 15th deadline . . . that's over two weeks ago.

WHY -- after all the promises that Bush made about rebuilding New Orleans is there virtually no progress?

WHY -- does Karl Rove still have his job after Bush said that anyone involved in the Plame case leak would be fired?

WHY -- does this administration pursue torture as a policy? Especially Darth Cheney.

WHY -- can we train a relatively privileged American soldier in 8 weeks but we can't train hardened (and if you lived under Sadaam you must admit these people are tougher and should have more resolve) Iraqis in two years?

WHY -- does Bush deliver all his speeches to select audiences like the military or military schools who are highly unlikely to give him any hard questions?

WHY -- does this administration pay for favorable press both here and in Iraq?

WHY -- have none of the recommendations of the 9/11 commissionbeen put into effect?

WHY -- does the 9/11 commission, after 4 years, come up with the assessment that almost nothing has been done to better protect the public since the recommendations, not to mention since 9/11?

WHY -- does this president use 'stay the course' as a strategy? That's like driving to the edge of a cliff at 90 mph and figuring that if you 'stay the couse' all will work out for the best.

BECAUSE -- we have a party that is way too in control of this government. It is very difficult to get anything done when one party has so much power. But what's worse is that you have a corrupt party that is also inept. As long as this administration is in power we are going to start losing more and more freedoms in the name of safety, not to mention the safety that is needed in times of natural disaster -- Karina and the anticipated bird flu -- and we have another Mike 'Brownie' Brown to handle a potential bird flu outbreak in Stewart Simonson whose life's experience and training is as a political attorney.
that's what i think