Tuesday, December 13, 2005


  • Diebold suit coming over voter fraud in the 2004 election . . . finally
  • Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington sues U.S. State Department to turn over records surrounding response to hurricane Katrina.
  • Fitzgerald on the verge of indicting Karl Rove




Sunday, December 04, 2005


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WHY -- is the Senate Intelligence Committee's investigation into pre-war intelligence on Iraq stalled? After Senate minority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) shut down the Senate in an effort to force discussion on the inquiry a six-member task force was set up to give a progress report with a Nov. 15th deadline . . . that's over two weeks ago.

WHY -- after all the promises that Bush made about rebuilding New Orleans is there virtually no progress?

WHY -- does Karl Rove still have his job after Bush said that anyone involved in the Plame case leak would be fired?

WHY -- does this administration pursue torture as a policy? Especially Darth Cheney.

WHY -- can we train a relatively privileged American soldier in 8 weeks but we can't train hardened (and if you lived under Sadaam you must admit these people are tougher and should have more resolve) Iraqis in two years?

WHY -- does Bush deliver all his speeches to select audiences like the military or military schools who are highly unlikely to give him any hard questions?

WHY -- does this administration pay for favorable press both here and in Iraq?

WHY -- have none of the recommendations of the 9/11 commissionbeen put into effect?

WHY -- does the 9/11 commission, after 4 years, come up with the assessment that almost nothing has been done to better protect the public since the recommendations, not to mention since 9/11?

WHY -- does this president use 'stay the course' as a strategy? That's like driving to the edge of a cliff at 90 mph and figuring that if you 'stay the couse' all will work out for the best.

BECAUSE -- we have a party that is way too in control of this government. It is very difficult to get anything done when one party has so much power. But what's worse is that you have a corrupt party that is also inept. As long as this administration is in power we are going to start losing more and more freedoms in the name of safety, not to mention the safety that is needed in times of natural disaster -- Karina and the anticipated bird flu -- and we have another Mike 'Brownie' Brown to handle a potential bird flu outbreak in Stewart Simonson whose life's experience and training is as a political attorney.
that's what i think

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


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Today President Bush outlined his strategy for victory in Iraq. Once again he placed himself in the middle of a bunch of troops or cadets or anyone that will not question his motives or strategy. Not far into the speech he had to bring up 9/11. He brought it up in the context of this group being the first to graduate that weren't in the academy since 9/11. But it was just that he has to bring up 9/11 in every speech.

All he did was regurgitate the same old 'stay the course', 'have resolve', 'complete the mission', blah, blah, blah. The mission, as best I can understand, is to wipe out terrorism. He will not settle for less than complete victory. What is complete victory? Wiping out terrorism. That's like wiping out hatred. You can fight that forever with no final result. So he's basically leaving this as an open ended fight. You will never wipe out terrorism any more than you will wipe out hate. So, this just leaves this open to him until he declares victory.

A scary thing about this is that Bush feels that he is put at this place at this time by God. God put him in the White House to fullfill His mission. That is the scariest part of this. Bush isn't listening to any of the advisers he should listen to. He promises the world but delivers nothing but words. Remember New Orleans? The are still 40% without electricity. There are people scattered all over the country as refugees. I believe his strategy is, that if you scatter them all over the country there won't be any base that can complain and be heard.

I think the new bumper sticker should be --- WWJIB (When would Jesus impeach Bush)? NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2005


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The man who was instrumental in getting us into this war with bad intelligence and who has been out of favor with the Bush administration is back in Washington. He's here talking with top administration officials. Read the Rolling Stone article that covers some of what Ahmad Chalabi did to help get us into the Iraq war.


There's a very interesting article in Rolling Stone magazine by James Bamford. He outlines how we were manipulated into believing in this war.

In the article he claims that Adnan Ihsan Saeed al-Haideri a 43 year old Iraqi who had fled his homeland in Kurdistan and was now determined to bring down Sadaam Hussein. They had him on a lie detector and were asking him questions in relation to hidden weapons of mass destruction. He gave locations such as subterranean wells, in private villas and even under the Sadaam Hussein Hotel. This was just the stuff the Bush administration needed to justify the war. But there was a little problem. According to the lie detector it was all a lie.

This is where the main character in this story comes into play -- John Rendon, who in his own words said; "I am a politician, a person who uses communication to meet public-policy or corporate-policy objectives. In fact, I am an information warrior and a perception manager." He explained his philosophy in the words of Hunter S. Thompson, when he wrote, 'When things turn weird, the weird turn pro.'

An analogy brought up in the article it said. "It was as if John F. Kennedy had outsourced the Bay of Pigs operation to the advertising and public-relations firm of J. Walter Thompson.

According to Francis Brooke, the Iraqi National Congress (INC) 's man in WEashington and himself a former Rendon employee, the goal of the al-Haideri operation was simple: pressure the United States to attack Iraq and overthrow Sadaam Hussein.

This is an extremely interesting article, click on link to read full text.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


According to the British newspaper the Daily Mirror, citing a Downing Street memo marked "Top Secret", President Bush planned to bomb Arab television broadcaster al-Jazeera. According to the five-page transcript of a conversation between Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Blair talked Bush out of launching a military strike on the station.

The Mirror quoted an unnamed British official as saying Bush's threat was "humorous not serious". What a jokester that Bush is. Another source said, "Bush was deadly serious, as was Blair. That much is absolutely clear from the language used by both men."

The Mirror said such a strike would have been "the most spectacular foreign policy disaster since the Iraq war itself." Blair's former defense minister Peter Kilfoyle challenged Downing Street to publish the transcript, saying "It gives an insight into the mindset of those who were architects of the war."

Monday, November 21, 2005


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Next potential disaster and we have a 'Brownie' to coordinate the relief effort -- Stewart Simonson is now in charge of "the protection of the civilian population from acts of bioterrorism and other public health emergencies," according to his government biography. He also is in charge of ensuring the country has adequate vaccines and and anti-viral medicines to combat an avian flu epidemic. Unfortunate ly for us his qualifications are as a political attorney. As he recently told a congressional subcommittee, "We're learning as we go." What the hell is at the head of this government?

It's going to be a dog fight -- Representative John Murtha (D. Pa.), a highly decorated Vietnam veteran with 37-years of service, made a passionate plea to remove our soldiers from now (a six month deployment plan). What happens? This administration calls him a coward -- Rep. Jean Schmidt (R.Ohio) said . . . "cowards cut and run, Marines never do". He justifiably shoots back that no one in this administration has had any military experience and are trying to make military decisions and dismissing military advice. I mean, to me that's like putting your attorneys to work in accounting offices and vice versa. That's the way this administration is running. The good thing out of this is that the Democrats are starting to show some teeth.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Sunday, November 13, 2005


This administration has screwed up everything it has touched. In the current news is Iraq, the indictments and when George needs a distraction avian flu -- which is a threat I fear they don't recognize in any context than to take the heat off something else.

An issue that is of apocalyptic importance is global warming. This administration takes it no more seriously than a guy who gets no exercise, eats entirely unhealthy foods, drinks and smokes heavily but insists that if the doctor can only guess at all the problems he's likely to have in the future and can't tell him the exact day he will become sick, with what disease and the day he will die, then there's no reason to take the threat seriously.

With the warning we've been given just recently in the gulf coast this is one of our most pressing problems. Consider . . . .

  • Last year, the science textbooks had to be rewritten. They used to say, "It's impossible to have a hurricane in the South Atlantic." We had the first one last year, in Brazil. Japan also set an all-time record for typhoons last year: ten. The previous record was seven.
  • This summer, more than 200 cities in the United States broke all-time heat records. Reno, Nevada, set a new record with ten consecutive days above 100 degrees. New Orleans -- and the surrounding waters of the Gulf -- also hit an all-time high.
  • This summer, parts of India received record rainfall -- 37 inches fell in Mumbai in 24 hours, killing more than 1,000 people.
  • The new extremes of wind and rain are part of a larger pattern that also includes the melting glaciers worldwide, increasing desertification, a global extinction crisis, the ravaging of ocean fisheries and a growing range for disease "vectors" like mosquitoes, ticks and many other carriers of viruses and bacteria harmful to people.

I guess my point is that with this administration, if you don't keep your eyes and ears and mind on point we are almost certainly headed for disaster in the form of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Friday, November 11, 2005


support our troops and bring them home now Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 07, 2005


I've read a number of stories lately concerning the avian flu virus being spread thru cockfighting. The logic being that it's an event that is not regulated let alone legal in most places. It surprised me to find out that it is legal in Louisiana and New Mexico. By not being legal or regulated the spread to humans is more likely in this venue than in poultry farms. Consider that while fighting there is a lot of blood, feces and bird's organs getting tossed around an arena.

That said, a cockfighting bill aimed at stemming the spread of bird flu to the United States has stalled despite support from the Bush administration and the poultry industry. The bill would restrict trade from Southeast Asia, where the sport is suspected of spreading the disease from chickens to humans. The bill would increase penalties for transporting the birds across state lines and from other countries. The bill passed the Senate but the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee hasn't brought the bill to a vote.

Jeff Lungren, spokesman for Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) said he thought it was a stretch that the bill would do much to prevent the spread of the disease, even though Agriculture Department officials have made just that case. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns also supported the bill and added that the bill made sense from an "animal welfare standpoint."

Bird flu aside, don't you think banning this 'torture sport' makes sense? I do.


the last time the white sox won the world series in 1917 it was followed by the worst avian flu pandemic ever in this country.
if the cubs win will that signal the end of the world? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


bumper sticker worthy Posted by Picasa www.worldcantwait.org in chicago 773-412-8318
some words to eat Posted by Picasa
we got 4 asses Posted by Picasa
slogan for our new $3 bill Posted by Picasa
stop it now Posted by Picasa
by moving to another one, like your anus Posted by Picasa
a deserved legacy to be sure Posted by Picasa
my sentiments exactly Posted by Picasa
bring me my bushwhacker!!!! Posted by Picasa
no access to legal counsel i hope Posted by Picasa
read this Posted by Picasa
read this Posted by Picasa
ASAP Posted by Picasa
. . . . and this is only a small corner of the banner Posted by Picasa