Monday, October 31, 2005


The House Agriculture Committee approved budget cuts Friday that would take food stamps away from an estimated 300,000 people and could cut off school lunches and breakfasts for 40,000 children. Hey, it's a start.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


I must admit that I expected more indictments on Friday, but if justice has to happen in small portions I'll wait.

Libby was indicted by a federal grand jury on five counts -- one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury and two counts of making false statements in special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation of the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's name. On "Meet the Press" last Sunday Texas Senator Kay Bailey anticipated what the indictments might be for said, "If there is going to be an indictment, it is an indictment on a crime and not just some perjury technicality where . . . just to show that their two years of investigation was not a waaste of time and taxpayer dollars." Hmmm, what got Clinton impeached?

Yet the right and it's voice "Fox News" looks at this as no-big-deal, they got him on a technicality, and the new mantra "the criminalization of politics". That mantra was played so many times on Fox News, that Bill Maher showed a montage of video on his show that pokes fun at the new mantra. Click here to see video.

Anyway, I can't imagine that "Scooter" is the only one going down. There are too many dots to be connected and too many directions that this investigation should lead to. We can't survive 3 more years of this. I do believe that "turd blossom", Bush's nickname for Rove, will be the next indicted. But only time will tell.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005



Patrick Fitzgerald, special counsel, has started a web site a couple of days ago. I think this could be a very interesting site over the next few days. To access it click on link below.

Monday, October 24, 2005


Patrick Fitzgerald is about to reveal what he is building in there. Evidence of widespread wrongdoing and conspiracy is available to every American with a cheap laptop and a cable subscription. If we have those building blocks, imagine the evidence that Fitzgerals must have.

What we know -- someone created fake documents related to Niger and Iraq and used them as a false pretense for us to invade Iraq. And when Joe Wilson made an honest effort to find out the facts, a plan was hatched to discredit and punish him by revealing the identity of his undercover CIA agent wife, Valerie Plame.

By comparison, Watergate was a child's game. Patrick Fitzgerald is on the most important criminal case in American history. His prosecutorial authority in this case is not constrained by any regulation. If his connecting the dots leads to something greater, Fitzgerald has the power to follow the dots wherever they may lead. Hopefully he's uncovering evidence that Karl Rove launched a covert operation to create forged documents, then when Wilson started to uncover the operation he was punished by the outing of his wife. Patrick Fitzgerald's legacy may be that he saved the American people from the people they elected.

Fitzgerald has reportedly asked for a copy of the Italian government's investigation into the break-in of the Niger embassy in Rome and the source of the forged documents.

According to James Moore, who has been covering Karl Rove for the past 25 years said:

"I have seen the spawn of Rove's tortured mind and watched a hundred of his political scams unfold and I am confident I know how this one played out. Rove might have brought it up with his fellow big brains in the White House Iraq Group, a propaganda organization set up to disseminate information supporting the war. There was likely a consensus to move the plan to smack down Wilson out of the White House. Rove always keeps a layer of operatives between himself and the person he gets to pull the trigger. Libby was probably told to manage it out of the VP's office to protect the president because Karl always takes care of his most prized assets. Libby then likely ordered John Hannah and possibly David Wurmser to call the ever-friendly Judy Miller at The New York Times and columnist Robert Novak to give them Valerie Plame's identity.Rove knew that Miller would call Libby of Aspen for confirmation and his old friend Novak was certain to call Rove who, as an unidentified senior White House official, would confirm the identity on background only. Because Novak is a partisan gunslinger, he wrote more quickly than Miller and when she saww the firestorm his story created, she backed of and has since been trying to cover for herself and Libby. Miller's later claim that she cannot remember who gave her the "Valerie Flame" name is as much dissembling as Rove's unconvincing argument that he "forgot" he met with Time reporter Matt Cooper. Karl Rove can remember precinct results from 19th-century presidential elections. He neither fogets nor forgives."

I don't think the administration saw this coming and I think they made many mistakes. Fitzgerald, who took over after John Ashcroft recused himself from the case, is a much sharper and competent special counsel than this administration was ready for. Fitzgerald's greatest weapon is the law. And he seems to know how to use it. If anyone can get our country back he's "THE MAN".

Sunday, October 23, 2005


I saw a film today that parallels to days events 50 some odd years ago. a must see. click to view trailser.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Friday, October 21, 2005

Tom Delay the Compassionate Conservative -- this is a repeat of a blog i wrote in june

This post was taken from notes I took from a few news broadcasts on the subject. So excuse any misspellings, mainly Saipan (pronounced Sie pan).

Women from Taiwan who are charged $7,000 and a promise that they will be taken to the United States and given jobs are being duped in a cruel way. Saipan is a commonwealth of the United States, so products made there can carry the label 'MADE IN THE U.S.A.' So these women are sent to Saipan to work in sweat shops for sweat shop wages. So they've sorta been sent to the U.S. and they are given jobs.

Problem is they don't make enough money to repay the loans (the $7,000 cost to get there is usually in the form of a loan) and are forced into prostitution to make the money to repay the loans. As if that's not bad enough, if they happen to get pregnant they are forced to have abortions. They found the American dream! Think about the way Delay portrays himself in the public forum.

Now Tom Delay, in a speech on New Year's Eve a couple of years ago, praised the owner's of these sweat shops as American entrepreneurs with the values that America could be proud of. This has been going on since 1995. Clinton, at the time, tried to offer protections for these women through legislation. The legislation passed in the Senate but was blocked in Congress by none other than Tom Delay. When there was a threat to these guys through this legislation Tom Delay promised it would not make it through Congress and they had nothing to worry about.

This from Tom Delay the Bible thumper who interfered in the Terri Schiavo case and consistently wears his religion on his sleeve, his version of what he believes anyway. Talk about your Bible in one hand and your agenda in the other. The more this administration ends up having their colors exposed it comes up deep, dark BLACK!

Thursday, October 20, 2005


whadda ya mean i should learn to enjoy the exclusive company of men? Posted by Picasa


  • AVIAN BIRD FLU -- It appears greed and incompetence are helping make us vulnerable to this bird flu. Tamiflu, the drug that so far best works against this flu, is patented by the drug company that makes it. Flu drugs tend not to be profitable. They are a one time use item and if the flu doesn't hit or doesn't hit as hard as anticipated the profits are lower. The drug company with the patent won't release it to another company that is willing to make the drug. The Spanish flu of 1918 has been recreated using tissue samples of from the lungs of soldiers who died in 1918 and the disinterment of an Alaskan Eskimo who died of the flu and whose remains had been preserved by the permafrost. Not only has the virus been physically re-created, but its entire genome has been published for the whole world to see. The logic here is that you want to put out the knowledge of the structure of the 1918 bird flu, which made the full jump from birds to humans, so that every researcher in the world can immediately start looking for ways to anticipate, monitor, prevent and counteract similar changes in today's bird flu. Unfortunately this is a double-edged sword. The good news is that word is out so that every person capable of contributing to a solution has the information they need. The bad news is that so does someone like Osama bin Laden.
  • Recruiting Troops -- If you recall a few months back when troop re-enlistment and recruitment deficits were shrinking our armed forces, they were offered A $15,000 incentive to re-enlist. Well, the ones who re-enlisted recently found out that they won't be getting the money. Support our troops? Inferior body armour, inferior equipment, unending tours of duty, shrinking benefits, etc. I want a ribbon that says: STOP SCREWING OUR TROOPS!
  • CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT -- Next week should be a politically charged week. Patrick Fitzgerald closes his two year investigation into the Valerie Plame ordeal. He's said he will not be releasing a report, which generally seems to make it likely he will be bringing down indictments which may include Dick Cheney, not to mention Karl Rove and "Scooter" Libby. If you remember these investigations take the prosecutor wherever the trail leads him. If you remember Monica Lewinsky originally started out as the Whitewater investigation. I can only hope that one of the indictments lead to treason charges for getting us into this Iraq War false pretenses and outright lies.
  • CREAVOLUTION -- Astrology would be considered a scientific theory if judged by the same criteria used by Intelligen Design advocates to justify their demand that Intelligent Design be taught alongside evolution theory in schools, a federal court heard Tuesday.
  • TOM DELAY -- If Tom Delay is found guilty of all the charges that resulted in the redistricting in Texas to favor the Republican Party, everything he accomplished for them stays the way it is. Who says 'crime doesn't pay'?

Friday, October 14, 2005


VETO -- The Bush administration pledged to veto legislation banning the torture of prisoners by U.S. troops after an overwhelming and almost unprecedented revolt by loyalist congressmen. The Senate vote passed 90 to 9 with most Republicans backing the measure.

In five years he does not veto anything and the first time he does it's on an obviously humanitarian measure. Some true colors are coming through.

Chattin' with the troops -- It was billed as a conversation with U.S. troopsbut the questions President Bush asked on a teleconference call Thursday were choreographed to match his goals for the war in Iraq and Saturday's vote on Iraq's new constitution.

Paul Reickhoff, director of the New York-based Operation Truth, an advocacy group for veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, denounced the event as a "carefully scripted publicity stunt."

It seems Bush is having a tough time without his "brain". Some true colors are coming through.

Terror alerts -- It's becoming apparently clear that the terror alerts we get coincide with the administration's need to focus away from their problems. George Tenet alluded to this some time ago, stating that there were times that terror alerts were given and he advised that they were not necessary. I think that in today's "terror atmosphere" that this is tantamount to mentally torturing your citizens. Some true colors are coming through.

Click to read Keith Olberman's 13 coincidences of Bush's shell game.

Harriet Miers -- I personally think Bush's logic for nominating Miers to the Supreme Court is to put a ringer on the court for himself. Consider the indictments looming over this administration. Anything brought before the Supreme Court would cause Miers to recuse herself taking the court to 8 judges and no swing vote. Everything this administration does is in its own best interest and they could are less about the citizens they are supposed to be serving.

Washington columnist Marie Cocco said in a Tribune column today, "Besides its brutal partisanship, nothing guides this administration so much as its contempt for the people's right to know anything, on any subject.This is a White House that claims the right to keep secret the names of lobbyists who helped the vice president write the administration's energy bill. The truth is not to be known by anyone outside the inner sanctum -- the tight circle from which , coincidentally, Miers herself was plucked." Some true colors are coming through.

Are we awake yet?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

IMAGINE John Lennon would have been 65 years old today

John Lennon 10-9-40 -- 12-8-80 Posted by Picasa

Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try.

No hell below us, above us only sky.

Imagine all the people, living for today.

Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do.

Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too.

Imagine all the people, living in peace.

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.

Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can.

No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man.

Imagine all the people, sharing all the world.

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one.

Still only to be imagined 30 some odd years later!

Friday, October 07, 2005


I received this email and two comments that let me know that Texas had changed its permission to drive with open alcoholic containers in Texas 2 years ago.

I stand corrected. But 2 years ago . . . .
From Cecil Hunt --
While I agree with your premise on the stupidity of the Florida law and living in Texas for a lifetime can often be trying, Texas no longer has an open container law for either driver or passenger.

IT'S CALLED BIRD FLU, SO DON'T ONLY BIRDS CATCH IT?? Well I'll just get right to work on that.

what me worry? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


The threat of avian flu virus in the form of a pandemic, I started writing about this about a year ago. So, if I was aware of it's threat why is the administration just now waking up to it.

We have enough vaccine to take care of about 1% of the population. Now you have to start wondering what's going on. Now that this has been brought to the attention of the administration they are not talking about vaccinating the population. They are talking about quartantining. We better wake the fuck up and now.

Think about it. You've got a deadly virus on the horizon and the government who is there to protect you opts to use quarantine rather than vaccinating the population. Don't protect the people, take control of the people.

If you think this government is here in your best interest, you are one dumb mother fucker. I kept away from being foul mouthed in this blog but some how gee whiz and golly darn won't express my feelings right now.


Wow, guess what you can do in Florida now. The law that was talked about a few months ago has taken effect today in Florida. Now if you feel that your life is being threatened you can pull out a gun and shoot the alleged threat. As someone who drives the full length of the state , round trip, twice a year; I don't like it. In fact it is stupid. As stupid as the fact that you can still have open alcohol in your car in Texas. Hmmm, Texas . . . Florida . . . makes one wonder.

Time will tell how this plays out. But I feel there are too many idiots out there to allow this much leeway. Think about it. You could actually set up a hit and make it look like self defense.

I'm not sure which to purchase: a gun or body armour.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


A great thriller with Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn comes out on video Tuesday October 4, 2005. Click on link to see the trailer.