Friday, October 29, 2004

Dead Iraqi civilians -- U.S. vs Saddam

In the 18 months since the fall of Saddam 100,000 Iraqi civilians have died. It is alleged that Saddam killed 300,000 which has been suspect since only 5,000 have been found in mass graves. But let's say that the 300,000 is a correct figure. The U.S. has killed 1/3 (in 18 months) as many as Saddam did in 24 years.
According to an extensive survey by Les Roberts and Gilbert Burnham found that the vast majority of deaths were by aerial bombardment which they found especially hard on women and children.
Juan Cole -- Professor of History at the University of Michigan said this:
"I personally believe that these aerial bombardments of civilian city quarters by a military occupier that has already conquered the country are a gross violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 governing the treatment of populations of occupied territories."

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