Monday, October 25, 2004


Well, all seems to be going well in Iraq as it becomes so much safer. Over the weekend nearly fifty Iraqi police trainees were ambushed and killed execution style by a bullet to the back of the head. These guys were unarmed and on their way home after training. al Zarqawi claimed responsibility and it is suspected that it was an inside job, as it was known that they were unarmed and their location was known.
Add to that some 380 tons of explosives have been reported missing. Now, I said just reported, not just discovered. These explosives have been unsecured since the beginning of the occupation. Considering that we were there for fear of weapons of mass destruction, don't you think you might secure these sights, even though they are not considered WMDs. These are the kinds of explosives that have been used against our troops and civilians. This administration has shown no interest in securing materials tied to the old Iraqi Nuclear Program. Prior to the war the International Atomic Energy Commission and European Union officialswarned Bush that these sites needed to be safeguarded.
Consider that to move these explosives it would take ten large trucks. How do we let that get away? It almost seems like you'd have to turn a blind eye to let it happen. One pound of this stuff brought down a jetliner in Lockerbie, Scotland. So I would think that 760,000 pounds could keep you supplied for some time. Plus, it is a stable explosive so it can only go off by being detonated. Dropping it or mishandling it will not detonate it.
The materials from the old nuclear weapons program are likely in Iran (my opinion), and the possibility of some getting into this country is a strong possibility. Remember, our borders are pretty porous -- U.S,/Mexican border, shipping docks, etc.
Is it safe?

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