Saturday, October 02, 2004

going upriver

A new movie came out on friday called -- Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry -- and came away with a new appreciation of John Kerry. The movie chronicles his life from child (a small part of thedocumentary), to his time served on the swiftboats in Vietnam and finally during the Vietnam protests of the early 70s in Washington. If Fahrenheit 9/11 was meant to show why Bush does not deserve to be President, Going Upriver is a testament to why John Kerry is the best choice for President. When I went in to see this film I was of the mindset -- anyone but Bush -- I came out feeling that we have the best candidate for the job. I recommend reading reviews by Roger Ebert (Chicago Sun Times) and Michael Wilmington ( The Chicago Tribune).
These are the final statements made at the end of each review:
Wilmington -- The film is an admittedly sympathetic portrait made by a long time friend of Kerry's, it's still a film record -- full of riveting interviewsand remarkable archival material -- that anyone who intends to vote this November should make every effort to see.

Ebert -- Will this film change any votes? Doubtful, since most members of the audience will be Kerry supporters. It is sad but true that a 30-second commercial, which any literate person should instinctively question, can shift votes but the truth cannot. Not that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth know much about truth.

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