Sunday, November 21, 2004

So long Colin, you'll be missed

Now that Colin Powell is gone we have no one with any military experience in this administration. We have no one to even attempt to pull in the reigns on this administration when dealing with Iran, North Korea and who knows who else. We have an administration that is going to be much more secretive in the next four years than in the last four years. Checks and balances? Pretty much gone. This administration telling the military how to handle this war on terrorism is akin to having your accountant perform heart surgery on you.
How are there going to be elections in Iraq in January? I mean, just by the way things are going on there now, don't you think polling places will be bombed, people will be threatened and intimidated. These people have rejected democracy for a long time. Maybe 7,000 years.
Let's face it we are in Iraq for the oil under the guise that we are liberating the population with democracy. If you compare where they were -- which was not in a great place under Saddam -- to where they are now, democracy does not appear to be all that great. What can possibly happen now to transform that society that hasn't occurred for 7,000 years?
Our best bet is to work our way out of there ASAP and start developing alternative energy sources so we are no longer dependent on these far off lands. Just think if we had spent the billions on the development of those energy sources instead of war. To me that is a much more productive strategy. This is what I think, but it's not what's going to happen.

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