Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Undocumented immigrants who want Congress to offer legal status, not a felon label, took to the streets in huge numbers over the past couple of weeks. A couple of weeks ago there were as many as 500,000 marching in Chicago, as well as some huge numbers in other cities around the country.

Yesterday they took to the streets again. New York City -- more than 125,000, Washington -- 180,000, Phoenix -- 100,000, Atlanta -- 50,000, Houston -- 50,000, Tucson, 12,000, Madison, Wis. -- 10,000, Indianapolis -- 10,000, Philadelphia -- 7,000 and Boston -- at least 5,000.

American citizens have been lied into a war that has killed over 2,300 Americans, and tens of thousands of Iraqis, given huge tax cuts at the expense of social programs for the poor, cuts in military benefits for those soldiers we supposedly 'support'. They secretly wiretap U.S. citizens without obtaining warrants that are required by law. They now admit that it was the President that leaked secret information, but insist that it was done legally. Wasn't it the President that kept telling us that anyone involved in the leak would be fired. Wasn't he the one that said that these wiretaps are only gotten with warrants. He wanted to hand over port security to a country that has ties to 9/11 terrorists and al-Qaeda. And so on, and so on.

I've attended some marches that were over the wiretapping and over the Iraq war. I think the largest group was, maybe 1,200 to 1,500. Think about it most illegal immigrants don't have access to the internet yet they are able to rally these enormous numbers by word-of-mouth and Spanish radio stations. They are determined.

There are now rumblings that the President is talking about invading Iran. This guy is on the brink of starting World War III, if he hasn't already done it, and life goes on. No outrage. How bad do we have to get screwed before we get up and shout "I'M SICK AND TIRED AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!"

Maybe when he moves into Iran and Terrorists are unleashed on us in numbers we probably can't imagine. I, for one, don't want any part of this idiots crusade. Please, let's wake up.

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