Wednesday, April 05, 2006


The religious right, the compassionate conservatives, the neocons. They all preach against abortion, birth control and safe sex in favor of anti-abortion and abstinence. Yet you have the bible-thumping Tom Delay forcing prostitution and abortion to women in Saipan.

Saipan is a part of the Mariannas islands, an American commonwealth, where products manufactured there can carry the U.S. label. Women from Taiwan and China are lured there for a cost of $2,000 and promised high paying jobs. Some women can't pay the money up front so they are to pay it back once they have their job.

These women arrive to find out these high-paying jobs are in sweat shops earning slave wages. Since they don't have the money to pay the loans back they are forced into prostitution. And to top that if they happen to get pregnant they are forced to have an abortion. Laws that were brought up in Congress to protect these women were shot down by Delay.

There's a 19-year-old kid testifying in front of Congress today that he ran a sex business on the internet since he was 13-years-old. He has turned 1,500 names over to authorities, along with credit card numbers and phone numbers. As of now only 2 of the 1,500 have faced any charges.

Read the next two stories on this blog about pedophilia in the bible belt and the arrest of Homeland Security Deputy Press Secretary Brian J. Doyle.

These people are not as wholesome as they would have you believe.

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