Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Latest polls have Bush at 32%. It's about 4-5 % above Nixon's lowest. Rolling Stone's cover this month puts Bush as the worst President ever. I said that 5 years ago. I mean, the guy never tells he truth. Now he's going to launch an investigation into price gouging by the big oil companies. Don't hold your breath. This is the guy that was going to deal with whoever was involved in the Valerie Plame leak only to find out it was both Rove and Bush.

This President has done absolutely nothing good for this country and has done everything to hurt us. You say we have a robust economy. Not if your in the middle class. Corporations are making record profits at the expense of good-paying American jobs. You lose a $30/hour job in manufaturing or the trades and end up at Walmart with a minimum wage, maybe $7 to $9/hour. It's just a shuffle of the wealth out of the middle clas and into the coffers of the wealthy.

When do we take to the streets?Posted by Picasa

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