Saturday, April 29, 2006


This documentary is billed as the most terrifying film you will ever see. Click on the link to watch the trailer and pledge to see the movie on opening day this summer. When you click on watch the trailer, google pops up and click on that to watch . . . .

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


dr. strangehate Posted by Picasa


Latest polls have Bush at 32%. It's about 4-5 % above Nixon's lowest. Rolling Stone's cover this month puts Bush as the worst President ever. I said that 5 years ago. I mean, the guy never tells he truth. Now he's going to launch an investigation into price gouging by the big oil companies. Don't hold your breath. This is the guy that was going to deal with whoever was involved in the Valerie Plame leak only to find out it was both Rove and Bush.

This President has done absolutely nothing good for this country and has done everything to hurt us. You say we have a robust economy. Not if your in the middle class. Corporations are making record profits at the expense of good-paying American jobs. You lose a $30/hour job in manufaturing or the trades and end up at Walmart with a minimum wage, maybe $7 to $9/hour. It's just a shuffle of the wealth out of the middle clas and into the coffers of the wealthy.

When do we take to the streets?Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 24, 2006


Here's a little story about W when he was a kid in the1950s in Texas click link below to read Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Undocumented immigrants who want Congress to offer legal status, not a felon label, took to the streets in huge numbers over the past couple of weeks. A couple of weeks ago there were as many as 500,000 marching in Chicago, as well as some huge numbers in other cities around the country.

Yesterday they took to the streets again. New York City -- more than 125,000, Washington -- 180,000, Phoenix -- 100,000, Atlanta -- 50,000, Houston -- 50,000, Tucson, 12,000, Madison, Wis. -- 10,000, Indianapolis -- 10,000, Philadelphia -- 7,000 and Boston -- at least 5,000.

American citizens have been lied into a war that has killed over 2,300 Americans, and tens of thousands of Iraqis, given huge tax cuts at the expense of social programs for the poor, cuts in military benefits for those soldiers we supposedly 'support'. They secretly wiretap U.S. citizens without obtaining warrants that are required by law. They now admit that it was the President that leaked secret information, but insist that it was done legally. Wasn't it the President that kept telling us that anyone involved in the leak would be fired. Wasn't he the one that said that these wiretaps are only gotten with warrants. He wanted to hand over port security to a country that has ties to 9/11 terrorists and al-Qaeda. And so on, and so on.

I've attended some marches that were over the wiretapping and over the Iraq war. I think the largest group was, maybe 1,200 to 1,500. Think about it most illegal immigrants don't have access to the internet yet they are able to rally these enormous numbers by word-of-mouth and Spanish radio stations. They are determined.

There are now rumblings that the President is talking about invading Iran. This guy is on the brink of starting World War III, if he hasn't already done it, and life goes on. No outrage. How bad do we have to get screwed before we get up and shout "I'M SICK AND TIRED AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!"

Maybe when he moves into Iran and Terrorists are unleashed on us in numbers we probably can't imagine. I, for one, don't want any part of this idiots crusade. Please, let's wake up.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Local teacher's run-in with homeland security creates insecurities. . . . Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Apparently at least 77 stations across the U.S. aired fake news for 10 months . . . . Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


 Posted by Picasa


The religious right, the compassionate conservatives, the neocons. They all preach against abortion, birth control and safe sex in favor of anti-abortion and abstinence. Yet you have the bible-thumping Tom Delay forcing prostitution and abortion to women in Saipan.

Saipan is a part of the Mariannas islands, an American commonwealth, where products manufactured there can carry the U.S. label. Women from Taiwan and China are lured there for a cost of $2,000 and promised high paying jobs. Some women can't pay the money up front so they are to pay it back once they have their job.

These women arrive to find out these high-paying jobs are in sweat shops earning slave wages. Since they don't have the money to pay the loans back they are forced into prostitution. And to top that if they happen to get pregnant they are forced to have an abortion. Laws that were brought up in Congress to protect these women were shot down by Delay.

There's a 19-year-old kid testifying in front of Congress today that he ran a sex business on the internet since he was 13-years-old. He has turned 1,500 names over to authorities, along with credit card numbers and phone numbers. As of now only 2 of the 1,500 have faced any charges.

Read the next two stories on this blog about pedophilia in the bible belt and the arrest of Homeland Security Deputy Press Secretary Brian J. Doyle.

These people are not as wholesome as they would have you believe.


Homeland Security Deputy Press Secretary and pedophilia


Tuesday, April 04, 2006


very funny mockumentary
on video now
very funny movie about lobbyists
in theaters now

Saturday, April 01, 2006



Whe "Jaws" was released in 1975, no one would have ever imagined that just 30 years later, many of the world's shark species would be on the brink of extinction. Scientists now estimate that over the past 50 to 100 years, 90 percent or more of the world's predator fish, including sharks, have disappeared, victims of a wholesale slaughter that has escalated over the past several decades.

In the Gulf of Mexico, 99 percent of oceanic white-tipped sharks are gone. In thhe northern Mediterranean, 15 species of large sharkshave been reduced to undetectable levelsOn the world's coral reefs approximately 99 percent of reef sharks have disappeared. And the great white shark is now at risk of disappearing from most of the world's oceans.

Just as the top predators', such as lions, tigers and wolves, play on land; sharks play a similar role in the oceans.Like their land counterparts , sharks help regulate the numbers of other marine species, thereby keeping the entire ocean system in balance.

Overfishing threatens much of the the world's big fish. But for sharks they're in a more precarious position. Most fish produce fish in large numbers but sharks begin reproducing at a relative advanced age, have long gestation periods and produce few young. Most of the hunting of sharks is for their fin while the rest of the carcass is discarded. The hunting of these sharks needs to be halted if in decades to come we expect there to be any of these species left, not to mention throwing our oceans ecological system out of balance. Posted by Picasa


A one-two punch of bleaching from record hot water followed by disease has killed ancient and delicate coral in the biggest loss of reefs scientists have ever seen in Caribbean waters.
Early conservative estimates from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands find that about one-third of the coral in monitoring sites has recently died.
"It's an unprecedented die-off," said National Park Services fisheries biologist Jeff Miller. "The mortality that we're seeing now is of the extremely slow-growing reef-building corals. These are corals that are the foundation of the reef. We're talking colonies that were here when Columbus came by have died in the past three to four months."
Some of the devastated coral can never be replaced because it only grows the width of one dime a year, Miller said.
I remember when I took up scuba diving 2 years ago the fear of dying reefs were thought to be over a period of thirty years or so, which seemed bad enough.
On Sunday, Hernandez-Delgado found a colony of 800-year old star coral -- more than 13 feet high -- that had just died in the waters off Puerto Rico.
Some scientists blame global warming for this unprecedented phenomenon. "This is probably a harbinger of things to come ," said John Rollino, the chief scientist for the Bahamian Reef Survey. It seems many of the effects of global warming are happening much faster than was anticipated. It reminds me of the movie "The Day After Tommorrow", where effects of global warming that were anticipated to happen in terms of many decades but ended up happening over a span of months. Posted by Picasa