Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Bush on UAE taking over security at our ports-
"If there was any chance that this transaction would jeopardize the security of the United States, it would not go forward."

on 9/11 attacks -
If we had any idea that someone was planning to fly planes into buildings we would have moved heaven and earth to stop them.
Of course there was the August 6, 2001 PDB that warned of just that. The G8 meeting that year was moved for the same reason.

on breaching of the New Orleans levies -
If we had any idea that those levees wouldn't have held we would have done everything to prevent it.
Of course, they were warned of that possibility long before it happened and they cut funding for reinforcing the levees.

Why don't we just turn it over to al-Queada and eliminate the middle man?

Putting things in perspective on how our dollars are spent on national security -
President Bush speaking to supporters in Dublin, Ohio:
"The best way to balance the budget is to keep the taxes low and be wise about how we spend your money."
The federal government spent about $15,000 in Iraq while he spoke the sentence.
During that same sentence about $36 was spent inspecting cargo at our seaports.

I guess the logic is to protect us over there so we don't have to protect us over here.

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