Monday, February 20, 2006


Since 9/11 almost nothing has been done to protect our ports. Now someone has come up with a plan.

U.S. terms for approving an Arab company's takeover of operations at six major American ports are insufficient to guard against terrorist infiltration, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee said yesterday.

Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y) said, "I'm aware of the conditions, and they relate entirely to how the company carrries out its procedures, but it doesn't go to who we hire, or to how they hire people." But the ever-diligent Chertoff sees it another way. To me it's like the fox guarding the hen house.

Chertoff defended the security review of Dubai Ports World of the United Arab Emirates, the company given permissionto take over the port operations. Chertoff said the government typically builds in "certain conditions or requirements that the company has to agree to make sure we address the national security concerns. But Chertoff declined to discuss specifics, saying that information is classified.

I guess we should just trust them. read more . . . .

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