Saturday, June 04, 2005


Why is it that the mainstream media, which unfortunately is where most people get their news, is so hung up on news that would be better suited for 'Access Hollywood'. The Michael Jackson case has dominated the news, it seems like forever. The 'runaway bride' story went on for weeks and still pops up in the news. It's like there isn't more pressing news. Remember we're in a couple of wars out there and, if you pay attention, they are not going well at all.

When Bush was asked about the abuses at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and to respond to the allegation that Amnesty International made that these prisons and the treatment of prisoners was the 'Gulag' of our time, his response is that the allegations are absurd. He claims that the detainees are taught to disassemble, that means not to tell the truth. He meant to say dissemble, which is all this administration does. Nobody took him to task on that statement. Think about it. The complaints were made by those who were released from the prisons. So by his statement we are releasing the terrorists. But that story stops there.

In a speech that Bush gave in Greece, New York on May 24 he said, "See, in my line of work, you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." What I think he meant was you repeat a lie over and over and over again until it becomes the truth. In reality a lie is a lie no matter how many times you repeat it, but when the media coverage is as it is most people take the lie for the truth.

This administration can show you a black ball and convince you it's white. Take Dick Cheney on the recent frenzy of violence in Iraq. "We're making major progress. Iraq is in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency." Steve Chapman of the Chicago Tribune said it best. "You know that secure, undisclosed location of his? I think we can be sure it's not on this planet." If the violence goes down were making progress, if the violence goes up we're making progress.

Remember the January elections and all the purple fingers. That was supposed to be a huge turning point, and the situation was going to calm down. The situation not only didn't improve, it's gotten much worse. The attacks on U.S. forces are now double what they were in March and April. If you go to Juan Cole's website Informed Comment the daily death count in Iraq is staggering. Cole is a professor at the University of Michigan and an expert on the middle east, and religion. His site is an excellent source for the real news in Iraq.

We need to have the truth reported to us. We can handle it.


1 comment:

K said...

i have just read through your most recent posts. i agree completely with your views on our absurd government...
hopefully, people DO start to wake up; realize things don't have to be this way, that they have power to change what's so completely wrong with this country.
these are dark times...i fear that change will come to late. our nation is on the brink. something must be done.
anyway--it's good to know there are people out there who keep informed, no matter how maddening it can be. your site is fantastic.