Thursday, June 16, 2005


Terry Schiavo -- so now we find out the results of the autopsy, and it confirms everything the doctors of Terry Schiavo had said all along. She had a brain that shrunk to half the size of a normal brain. She was blind, so the notion that she was able to react to the sight of other people was not possible. There was no sign of abuse, so the allegations that her husband abused her are false. All attempts to "SAVE HER LIFE" were politically motivated attempts to shore up the base, period.

Recruitment/Draft -- our all-volunteer army is getting its ass kicked. And they're not getting it kicked by the insurgents, they're getting kicked by its own government. Due to declining support for this war (people are finally waking up) parents are strongly advising their kids to stay away from recruiters. Recruiters are under so much pressure to get bodies in the ranks that they're resorting to deception. This administration is built on deception so it does not surprise me that this tactic would be used. A high school senior did an undercover story for his school paper where he passed himself off to a recruiter as a high school drop out addicted to drugs. The recruiter schooled him in the ways to avoid the drug detection through a kit he could buy on the internet for about $40, and steered him to another site on the internet where he could get a high school diploma. For a high school senior this kid did some great investigative reporting. Now we come to the draft. Most would agree that you get a better class of troops with an all-volunteer army. Mainly because you have a group that wants to be in the military. But when you start screwing your troops, I suppose there might be a tendency for new recruits not to be as naive or stupid as you might have hoped. Hence, you will have to force them with the draft. And believe me nobody wants to do that.

Downing Street Memo -- I think I wrote about this around a month ago, and even people that I know read what I write never had anything to say about it. People are willing to accept just about anything. I wrote about terrorists buying guns with ease from our own dealers. Ho-hum. So we are lied to, we are no safer now and likely less safer than before 9/11. Ho-hum. During a war let's implement tax cuts, which has never been done in history. Ho-hum. Because of the war in Iraq we can't afford to protect our borders. Ho-hum. etc. If we get hit again we probably deserve it for our disinterest in our own safety.

The Downing Street Memo proves that this administration had every intention to go to war 6-8 months before we did. While they were telling us and Congress that we were being threatened by Iraq and had to go to war, although no plans had been made at that time. They made an offer to Sadaam that they were certain he would refuse (sending in weapons inspectors) but he didn't, he let the inspectors in. Had he refused, as they were certain he would, we would just go in and attack. We did it anyway.

Patriotism/Support Our Troops -- Support Our Troops is nothing more than a magnetic ribbon you put on the ass-end of your SUV, it's an accessory like your earing, cufflinks, necktie. How many people that voted for Bush and support this war are signing up to go to Iraq or are encouraging their kids to sign up for this war we must fight. I can't state exact figures on this, but you can bet it's the poor that are fighting this war. Do you support your troops by sending them back to Iraq for two or three tours even wounded or missing limbs. In my mind the draft would be the best thing that could happen. That throws everybody into the lottery. And that puts somebody you know; a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, potentially in harms way. Unfortunately, that's the kind of wake up call this country needs.

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