Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Presidential Pep Talk

Tonight President Bush will address the nation. He's down in the polls and he needs to boost them back up. How creative do you think he will be? Count how many times you hear the following phrases or mantras.

Freedom is on the march.

We must stay the course.

It's hard work.

We can't cut and run.

We can't set a timetable for leaving or the insurgents will just wait us out.

We must keep our resolve.

We must support our troops.

The increasing violence only shows that the insurgents are desperate and are in the "final throes" of the insurgency.

Well, the insurgents don't want us to leave. This is the best thing that could happen for them. They have someplace that future terrorists can receive on-the-job training. The war is like a big poster for recruitment. The recruiting is going a lot better for them than it is for us.

Bush does not support the troops. They don't have the armour they need. Their benefits are being cut. Their divorce rate is extremely high due to the demands of the mothers and wives left to hold down the fort on their own. Follow the money. It isn't going to our troops. Who gets the tax cuts? There is a one billion dollar shortfall in veterans health care. What do you think they are going to cut to makeup for this shortfall? Funding for prosthetics. Great, not only are the moral values guys, the compassionate conservatives breaking up families, now we can stop funding for the number one injury suffered there -- loss of limbs.

The best thing he could possibly say in tonight's B.S. Session is "I'm stepping down." I'll say a prayer but it'll be for naught.

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