Thursday, June 30, 2005

unplugged Posted by Hello


I still don't understand why people aren't livid with the performance of this administration. And it's not bad enough that one fault is incompetence but another one is deception, a bad mixture for sure.

Lets recap what we're into.

We were under a terrorist threat long before we were hit on 9/11. Under this administration's watch we were warned by the"Daily Presidential Briefing" titled 'bin Laden determined to strike inside U.S' August 6, 2001.

so they bungled that one.

Right after that the world came together, I mean if you remeber, every body was in love with us in a unity to defeat the terrorists that took down the twin towers. We all agree on going to war in Afghanistan to capture bin Laden and bring him to justice. Then about the time we had an opportunity to capture him at Tora Bora we go to war with Iraq with a series of lies.

Rumsfeld said something to the effect that he knew there were WMD and he knew exactly where they were. Well, if he did there's not much comfort in that. That means there were WMD that we were unable to secure, I still don't think there were WMD, so it went from exactly knowing where they are to not knowing where in the world they are. Brilliant.

So, now we decide to go to war, and remember this the threat of' nuclear attack was imminent' -- Condoleeza Rice and the 'mushroom cloud', Rumsfeld and 'we know exactly where they are'. General Shinseki calls for, I believe, around 200-240,000 troops and Rumsfeld actually got upset and Shinseki was gone. Rummy figured around a 120,000. Why have military advisors if you aren't goin to use them? Like Cheney said we would be 'welcomed with flowers as liberators'. Wolfowitz and his 'the money from the oil fields will pay for the war and rebuilding Iraq.' Instead it's costing us. That's kinda like payin' to go to work. Pretty anti-productive.

So we go into this country like it's a John Wayne movie, and I remember reading at the time that out of everything televised the 'shock and awe' thing was the number one thing Bush had to watch. Then the 'mission accomplished' banner. Well, that wasn't our fault it was done by the armed forces. Seems this was the start of blaming the military for his blunders.

We went into Iraq to carry out a mission but what was and is the mission, that by the way we will stay there until it's achieved, is it finding WMDs? is it removing Sadaam Hussein? is it to spread democracy? is it to train them to defend their country? Now in President Bush's speech said we must stay on the mission and the mission is hunting terrorists. That's a perpetual mission. It's like having a war on hate.

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to recognize that this is either incompetence on a major level or an agenda that we need not know about. I mean, look at the secrecy. Cheney should be in investigations about his using oil executies as advisors on setting energy policy. With the control these guys have they are the one responsible for bringing investigations against themselves. I know if I was my own judge I'd be innocent of wrongdoing. And they keep pushing the envelope, you're aware of gas prices, but we just accept it. It's called APATHY!!!!!!

We're on a MISSION FROM GOD. That's the ticket. And we say ho-hum.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Presidential Pep Talk

Tonight President Bush will address the nation. He's down in the polls and he needs to boost them back up. How creative do you think he will be? Count how many times you hear the following phrases or mantras.

Freedom is on the march.

We must stay the course.

It's hard work.

We can't cut and run.

We can't set a timetable for leaving or the insurgents will just wait us out.

We must keep our resolve.

We must support our troops.

The increasing violence only shows that the insurgents are desperate and are in the "final throes" of the insurgency.

Well, the insurgents don't want us to leave. This is the best thing that could happen for them. They have someplace that future terrorists can receive on-the-job training. The war is like a big poster for recruitment. The recruiting is going a lot better for them than it is for us.

Bush does not support the troops. They don't have the armour they need. Their benefits are being cut. Their divorce rate is extremely high due to the demands of the mothers and wives left to hold down the fort on their own. Follow the money. It isn't going to our troops. Who gets the tax cuts? There is a one billion dollar shortfall in veterans health care. What do you think they are going to cut to makeup for this shortfall? Funding for prosthetics. Great, not only are the moral values guys, the compassionate conservatives breaking up families, now we can stop funding for the number one injury suffered there -- loss of limbs.

The best thing he could possibly say in tonight's B.S. Session is "I'm stepping down." I'll say a prayer but it'll be for naught.

Saturday, June 25, 2005


I wrote about this documentary about a group of soldiers in Iraq when it came out in theaters a couple of months ago. It comes out on video Tuesday, June 28 and I highly recommend it. click on the link below to watch trailer.

Friday, June 24, 2005


click on toon to enlarge Posted by Hello


click on toon to enlarge Posted by Hello


The 1st and 3rd letter of his name is what we are being fed.

Patriot Act -- they give these things such positive names. They deliver a shark and call it a dolphin. Anyway, speaking to hand-selected audiences, does he have any other kind, Bush asserted that the sweeping powers granted in the act should be renewed, and even expanded , because the new authority "resulted in charges against more than four hundred suspects, and more than half of those have been convicted."

Records kept by the Department of Justice show that fewer than 40 individuals -- not the more than 200 convictions that Bush claimed -- have been convicted of crimes related to terrorism or threats to our national security. And they were convicted of minor criminal offenses such as making a false statement to investigators or of civil immigration charges.

The renewal of the Patriot Act needs bipartisan debate, which is nearly impossible with this administration, with facts driving the debate, not political rhetoric.

Cheney's statement -- Vice President Dick Cheney claimed that the insurgency was in it's last throes and was about to be defeated. But the number one general in Iraq, General John Abizaid said, "In terms of comparison from six months ago, in terms of foreign fighters, I believe more foreign fighters are coming into Iraq than there were six months ago. In terms of the strength of the insurgency, I'd say it's about the same as it was."

Now take that with the fact that our soldiers still don't have the armour that they need while the insurgents are becoming more sophisticated in their attacks. They are using stronger bombs, remote controlled bombs, bombs rigged into cars that are sold to unsuspecting Iraqis then blown up by remote control at any given time.

Rove's statement -- was something to the effect that after 9/11 the Republicans prepared to go to war and the Democrats wanted to find the terrorists and get them therapy. So I guess he figures that there are no Democrats in Iraq and there haven't been any Democrats injured or killed. I don't think you can unite a country with lies and B.S. They're not looking to unite, they are looking to control. And they are going about that just the way you should to take control. Keep you brains open.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I'M KING OF THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Help me Lord Posted by Hello How do I convince these heathen liberals that our plan, your with me right?, is the only plan. You will save us from global warming, right. If I spend too much money you'll make sure to replenish it like my other father always did, right. And these soldiers that are being killed in Iraq are only having the supreme advantage of seeing you sooner. 'Cause they're killing them Islamist evil doers. They keep referring to me as a cowboy, when they should know I am really a crusader. I'M KING OF THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2005


come on we're on a mission from God, our ends justify the means!!!!!! Posted by Hello

we don't want the dark side Posted by Hello


Wouldn't it be great if you lived your life and at the end of the month you just went to your employer and said, "Well this is what I had to spend this month, so I need a check in the amount of . . . ."

Why would you be a responsible spender? After all, you spend what you want, and believe me in this scenario you think you deserve a lot more than you really do. Well, that's basically the way this country is being run. Let's just fix the facts to fit the policy.

We want to go to war with Iraq, so let's make up a good reason to do it, hell it ain't like we gotta send our kids. Ya wanna make some money, invest in 'support our troops' magnets. Global warming? Ain't no such thing. We adjusted the documents, and it says there's no such thing as global warming.

Mercury in childhood vaccines causing autism? Can't happen when you have a compassionate conservative of high moral values such as Dr. and Sen. Bill Frist watching out for you. Hell, look what he did for Terri Schiavo. Well, the majority leader - who has accepted $873,000 from the drug industry - has tried five times to pass legislation that would shield vaccine makers from 4,200 lawsuits filed by parents of injured children.

Bottom line is this: they lie, we fall for it. they lie, we fall for it. they lie, we fall for it. Did you hear the one about the lemings?!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I need a paycheck for $1,000,000 this week, ok boss???? WOULDN'T IT BE GREAT?!!!!! All this going on and the 'big story' Katie Couric spends an hour on tomorrow night - - 'THE RUNAWAY BRIDE'. What the f--k?????????

click on this and read it

Friday, June 17, 2005

Thursday, June 16, 2005


picture worth a thousand words Posted by Hello


Terry Schiavo -- so now we find out the results of the autopsy, and it confirms everything the doctors of Terry Schiavo had said all along. She had a brain that shrunk to half the size of a normal brain. She was blind, so the notion that she was able to react to the sight of other people was not possible. There was no sign of abuse, so the allegations that her husband abused her are false. All attempts to "SAVE HER LIFE" were politically motivated attempts to shore up the base, period.

Recruitment/Draft -- our all-volunteer army is getting its ass kicked. And they're not getting it kicked by the insurgents, they're getting kicked by its own government. Due to declining support for this war (people are finally waking up) parents are strongly advising their kids to stay away from recruiters. Recruiters are under so much pressure to get bodies in the ranks that they're resorting to deception. This administration is built on deception so it does not surprise me that this tactic would be used. A high school senior did an undercover story for his school paper where he passed himself off to a recruiter as a high school drop out addicted to drugs. The recruiter schooled him in the ways to avoid the drug detection through a kit he could buy on the internet for about $40, and steered him to another site on the internet where he could get a high school diploma. For a high school senior this kid did some great investigative reporting. Now we come to the draft. Most would agree that you get a better class of troops with an all-volunteer army. Mainly because you have a group that wants to be in the military. But when you start screwing your troops, I suppose there might be a tendency for new recruits not to be as naive or stupid as you might have hoped. Hence, you will have to force them with the draft. And believe me nobody wants to do that.

Downing Street Memo -- I think I wrote about this around a month ago, and even people that I know read what I write never had anything to say about it. People are willing to accept just about anything. I wrote about terrorists buying guns with ease from our own dealers. Ho-hum. So we are lied to, we are no safer now and likely less safer than before 9/11. Ho-hum. During a war let's implement tax cuts, which has never been done in history. Ho-hum. Because of the war in Iraq we can't afford to protect our borders. Ho-hum. etc. If we get hit again we probably deserve it for our disinterest in our own safety.

The Downing Street Memo proves that this administration had every intention to go to war 6-8 months before we did. While they were telling us and Congress that we were being threatened by Iraq and had to go to war, although no plans had been made at that time. They made an offer to Sadaam that they were certain he would refuse (sending in weapons inspectors) but he didn't, he let the inspectors in. Had he refused, as they were certain he would, we would just go in and attack. We did it anyway.

Patriotism/Support Our Troops -- Support Our Troops is nothing more than a magnetic ribbon you put on the ass-end of your SUV, it's an accessory like your earing, cufflinks, necktie. How many people that voted for Bush and support this war are signing up to go to Iraq or are encouraging their kids to sign up for this war we must fight. I can't state exact figures on this, but you can bet it's the poor that are fighting this war. Do you support your troops by sending them back to Iraq for two or three tours even wounded or missing limbs. In my mind the draft would be the best thing that could happen. That throws everybody into the lottery. And that puts somebody you know; a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, potentially in harms way. Unfortunately, that's the kind of wake up call this country needs.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair meet to discuss aid to Africa and Global Warming. Bush trying to convince Blair that the problems are merely a myth. Here the two leaders are seen sealing a deal to silence anyone daring to bring up anything concerning "THE DOWNING STREET MEMO." Posted by Hello


REPENT YE SINNER!!!!! Posted by Hello


Lt. General John Rosa Jr., superintendent of the Air Force Academy has acknowledged that his campus is so permeated with evangelical proselytizing that it wwill take years to rid the institution of religious intolerance. He said he finds the problem of cadets unfairly pressured to adopt Christian beliefs and practices occurring throughout "my whole organization," with offenders among faculty, staff and students.

There have been numerous complaints that cadets' constitutional rights have been violated by militant evangelists weilding peer pressure with the blessing of authority figures in the chain of command. One campus chaplain went so far as to warn hundreds of cadets that those "not born again" would "burn in the fires of hell".

General Rosa said, "If everything goes well it will take six years to fix the problem." Reforms that were promised last year were compromised by heavy-handed editing from the Air Force's chief chaplain, When Capt. MeLinda Morton, a Lutheran chaplain, dared to complain of cadets being abused by "systemic and pervasive" proselytizing, the Air Force transferred her to Asia.

An inspector general's report is promised soon from the Air Force. Now here's the kicker that, in my opinion, is not going to make this an easy problem to solve. It will take much more prodding, especially civilian pressure from President Buch, Congress and taxpayers, to undo the damage and restore the separation of church and state at the academy.

Bush, Congress and taxpayers. One of those three can help, but when your government suffers from the same problem how could you expect them to have any effect solving this problem. I can see Bush approached with this and saying, WHAT PROBLEM???????

Thursday, June 09, 2005



This administration is trying to convince us that global warming is a myth by deceiving us and truly putting us in danger.

A White House official who once led the oil industry's fight against limits on greenhouse gases has repeatedly edited government climate reports in ways that play down links between such emissions and global warming, according to internal documents.

The official, Philip A. Cooney, prior to going to the White House in 2001 as chief of staff for the White House Council on Environmental Quality, was the "climate team leader" and lobbyist at the American Petroeum Institute, the largest trade group representing the interests of the oil industry. And he's a lawyer with no scientific training.

Rick S Pilz, who resigned in March as a senior associate in the office that coordinates government climate research said, the White House editing and other actions threatened to taint the government's $1.8-billion-a-year effort to clarify the causes and consequences of climate change.

"Each administration has a policy position on climate change," Mr. Piltz wrote. "But I have not seen a situation like the one that has developed under this administration during the past four years, in which politicization by the White House has fed back directly into the science program in such a way as to undermine the credibility and integrity of the program."

Global Warming ?????????? If we don't want it to be there, it won't be there! And that's final.
Stick head firmly in sand and say a prayer.


Homeland Security and Bizarre Story

On April 25, Gregory Despres arrived at the U.S. - Canadian border crossing at Calais, Maine, carrying a homemade sword, a hatchet, a knife, brass knuckles and a chain saw stained with what appeared to be blood. U.S. customs agents confiscated the weapons and fingerprinted Despres. Then they let him into the United States.

The next day there was a gruesome killing discovered which included the beheading of a 74-year-old man and the stabbing death of his wife. Despres immediately was a suspect and was arrested two days later wandering down a highway in a sweat shirt with red and brown stains.

He was held and questioned for about two hours before they let him go. They checked for warrants and to see if he broke any laws tying to get into the country. Nobody asked for him to be detained and according to Bill Anthony, spokesman for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, "Being bizarre is not a reason to keep someone out of this country or lock them up . . . We are governed by laws and regulations, and he did not violate any regulations." I 100% agree with that.

But in this hi-tech world I would think that cross referencing records should give you the information you need to assess someone. As it turns out, on the day that Despres crossed the border, he was due in a Canadian court to be sentenced on charges of assaulting and threatening to kill Frederick Mowat, the son-in-law of the couple he killed.

I do agree that the border guards did the right thing with the information they were able to access, but I also feel if there was a better sharing of information between law agencies, even between countries, this may have been stopped.

The answer here is not to stop someone for their appearance, which is why I attached his picture with this article, but you must have reliable intelligence that is shared with law enforcement agencies. Remember, on the same day he was due to be sentenced for a crime. There should have been a trail to follow there.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Abu Ghraib only the tip of the iceberg

Click on this link for a very important article by human rights watch



Why is it that the mainstream media, which unfortunately is where most people get their news, is so hung up on news that would be better suited for 'Access Hollywood'. The Michael Jackson case has dominated the news, it seems like forever. The 'runaway bride' story went on for weeks and still pops up in the news. It's like there isn't more pressing news. Remember we're in a couple of wars out there and, if you pay attention, they are not going well at all.

When Bush was asked about the abuses at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and to respond to the allegation that Amnesty International made that these prisons and the treatment of prisoners was the 'Gulag' of our time, his response is that the allegations are absurd. He claims that the detainees are taught to disassemble, that means not to tell the truth. He meant to say dissemble, which is all this administration does. Nobody took him to task on that statement. Think about it. The complaints were made by those who were released from the prisons. So by his statement we are releasing the terrorists. But that story stops there.

In a speech that Bush gave in Greece, New York on May 24 he said, "See, in my line of work, you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." What I think he meant was you repeat a lie over and over and over again until it becomes the truth. In reality a lie is a lie no matter how many times you repeat it, but when the media coverage is as it is most people take the lie for the truth.

This administration can show you a black ball and convince you it's white. Take Dick Cheney on the recent frenzy of violence in Iraq. "We're making major progress. Iraq is in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency." Steve Chapman of the Chicago Tribune said it best. "You know that secure, undisclosed location of his? I think we can be sure it's not on this planet." If the violence goes down were making progress, if the violence goes up we're making progress.

Remember the January elections and all the purple fingers. That was supposed to be a huge turning point, and the situation was going to calm down. The situation not only didn't improve, it's gotten much worse. The attacks on U.S. forces are now double what they were in March and April. If you go to Juan Cole's website Informed Comment the daily death count in Iraq is staggering. Cole is a professor at the University of Michigan and an expert on the middle east, and religion. His site is an excellent source for the real news in Iraq.

We need to have the truth reported to us. We can handle it.


Thursday, June 02, 2005

HAPPY BIRTHDAY POP 6-2-21 -- 7-17-70 Posted by Hello