Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Emily J. Miller, the former fiancee of Michael Scanlon and press secretary/communications director to Tom Delay, implicated Scanlon in the Abramoff scandal. Miller and Scanlon apparently began a secretive office romance when working in Delay's office and Scanlon eventually proposed marriage.

In 2003 Miller left Delay's office to work at the State Department and Scanlon left partnering with Abramoff to lobby for an array of Indian tribes. As Scanlon rose up the ranks troubles between the couple mushroomed. Scanlon's big mistake was that he confided in Miller all of his dealings with Abramoff. She saw his emails and knew details of his lobbying work. After Scanlon broke off the engagement with Miller she went to the FBI and told them everything about Scanlon's dealings with Abramoff.

Apparently the upwardly mobile Scanlon lost interest in Miller as his star rose. So he confided all his secrets with a woman he later dumped. I guess arrogance exposes stupidity. Now the domino effect is taking a number of politicians down. Good riddance!

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