Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I don't know if anybody, especially our brilliant president, has considered the fact that when you gain information illegally the defense uses that to get off on the technicality.

I wonder if Bush ever saw some of the movies and TV crime shows where an over-zealous detective -- 'Dirty Harry' as an example -- that takes himself above the law and the criminal gets off on that 'technicality'. Either they didn't read him his Miranda Rights or did an illegal wiretap. What Bush is going to accomplish with his antics is letting everyone, probably including Sadaam Hussein, walk because of the way Bush blunders everything.

Unless Bush takes this country into a dictatorship and disregards all our laws he's just playing into this 'Dirty Harry' syndrome. It's certainly entertaining on film but in real life it's going to prove disastrous.

Bottom Line -- Bush is a total incompetent or an imperialist President. We need neither.

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