Saturday, September 24, 2005


Can the federal governement afford to pay for all our disasters . . . Iraq, Katrina, Rita, tax cuts for the wealthy, highway pork projects and most of all Bush, the cause of the aforementioned disasters? The answer is HELL NO!!! So we're going to borrow it from the central banks of China and Japan.

It seems this administration doesn't use the same math and budget that the average household must. With your average household budget you are limited by banks and credit card companies with how much debt you can get screwed with. It's somewhat disciplined. The government just spends and borrows, spends and borrows, borrows and spends. We're the schmucks getting screwed, so why should they care. Take care of our upper income buddies and all will be well . . . for them.

The fact that Congress is preparing to cut a variety of taxes by up to $90 billion over five years at the same time Katrina, not to mention Rita and whatever else is out there over the balance of the two months left in hurricane season, is going to send spending through the roof is living proof of that. They figured a way to help cover some of those tax cuts . . . trim social programs like Medicaid and food stamps by $35 billion over 5 years, even as Bush is pledging to spend 'what it takes' to help poor people affected by Katrina. If you think at all and are aware of this administration's priorities, all they want is to get the money under any pretense and figure out how to put it where they want it after they've got it.

Iraq, Katrina and Rita have created the Physical "perfect storm". We're on the brink of a financial/economic "perfect storm" that will be at least as devastating. And this guy has over two more years to play President.

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