Thursday, September 08, 2005


Barbara Bush, the President's mother said; while touring the Astrodome, where thousands of Hurricane Katrina victims have been sheltered, Barbara Bush said they didn't have it so bad because, heck, they were poor to begin with. "What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas," she was quoted as saying in an interview on National Public Radio.

"Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality," Bush said. "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them."

This makes it easier to understand why her son is so disconnected with the country he is supposed to be leading. Her son and his cronies are playing a game of government with this country. You've got two big oil guys at the top. You've got unflinching loyalty on the way down. If you're not loyal, you're gone . . . Richard Clarke, General Eric Shinseki, most recently Bunnatine Greenhouse, etc.

How arrogant and reckless can you get? You've got Halliburton in Iraq draining the money funded for rebuilding. Now you've got the head of FEMA, Mike 'Brownie'Brown, who is in the job because he was the room mate of the previous head of FEMA. This disaster happens, he has no clue what to do, you find out that he has no experience in the field he is in. The head of the agency that is to protect us from natural disaster has no experience in the field.

They just appropriated $10.5 billion last week and another $40 billion this week. And they want to put all the money in the hands of, guess who? FEMA. Halliburton already has no-bid contracts to rebuild the gulf coast. I can't believe the arrogance of this group. But I will say this: if they are not stopped they are going to take this as far as we let them. And it might take a revolt to stop them.

The world is watching us right now and we look like a nation of idiots. Remember the way the world reacted when this guy was re-elected, which I dispute for a second time. Most of this administration was on vacation when this happened and they sure didn't high-tail it back when the nation was in crisis. They just come back after it's all over and spin their way out of it. If they can spin their way out of this one we deserve it. We're like the battered wife who won't leave her husband.

In closing, I believe that what's wrong with this country can be corrected with what's right with this country. This administration is dead, dangerously wrong. The American people are proving through their generosity what's right with this country. We need an immediate divorce.

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