Sunday, May 29, 2005


Memorial Day is meant to remember and honor the troops that have given their lives for this country to be free. But sometimes our leaders are pretty flippant about sending someone else's kid in harm's way. If you really support our troops ask yourself some questions???????

Where's the outrage that after two years our troops don't have the body armour they need to protect themselves?

Where's the outrage that the Humvees they have are little better than the one's driven here in the States?

Where's the outrage that our vice-president's former employer has no-bid contracts in Iraq and has been overcharging at abominable amounts?

Where's the outrage that there is more than $8 billion in money targeted for Iraqi reconstruction that is missing and this administration refuses to investigate it?

Where's the outrage that there was a 'Downing Street Memo' released proving that this administration was ready to go to war 6 months before they did and they were telling us it was not in the planning, it would be a decision of last resort. A blatant lie we seem to be buying.

Where is the outrage that this administration has reduced it's military to a prison sentence that not many are buying into. To enlist in the military today you almost need your enlistees to have a similar mindset as a suicide bomber. If you pay attention you know the chances of coming out of Iraq unscathed by death, extreme mental or physical problems are remote. The only thing worse is that your government is not likely to care for you when you get back.

SUPPORT OUR TROOPS is nothing more than a ribbon strapped to the back of an SUV!

I suppose if you have a loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan you are more sensitive to these issues and are more prone to connect the dots. But, if you think this administration has anything more to accomplish than to' take care of us' you are very mistaken. In other words 'take care of us' means take control of us as a parent would take care of a child, knowing what is best for us and then 'MAKE IT LAW'. As Andrew Card had once said, paraphrasing, the president sees the country as his 10 year old children. Well, and this is an extreme, but what if your father is named Dobbs, the father that killed his own daughter and her best friend. It happened in a fit of rage when he thought the discipline doled out to her should not have been rescinded by her mother. Father does not always know best. And sometimes he could be dangerous, very dangerous.

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