Tuesday, May 17, 2005

No Problem, Just Change the Rules

Tom Delay should be brought up on ethics charges according to the ethics rules. This administration's solution change the rules. Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist vows to blow up the Senate (the nuclear option) to outlaw any filibuster against Bush's judicial nominees. Democrats have approved 218 nominees, but are blocking 10 as too extreme. That is unacceptable to Frist.

So, instead of Bush defusing the situation he nominates the same 10 judges that had been blocked before, essentially ordering Frist to blow up the Senate. Just like it was in the run-up to the war in Iraq, Bush is just intent on winning, with little or no sense of the costs or consequences of what he's driving this country into. The fight here is over the judges and the direction Bush will take this country if he has free reign. It's not about an assault on "people of faith"by blocking 10 of 200 nominees. Is Bush so infallible that to question 10 of 200 nominees is to risk eternal damnation?

Bush is not nominating conservative judges, he's nominating radicals that will push his agenda through the courts. We're talking about women's rights (Roe v Wade), segregation (Brown v Board of Education). He has a different take on other issues such as the environment, global warming, defending workers and corporate accountability. STAY AWAKE ! ! !

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