Monday, May 30, 2005




Sunday, May 29, 2005

sunday -- memorial day weekend Posted by Hello CLICK ON TOON TO ENLARGE


Memorial Day is meant to remember and honor the troops that have given their lives for this country to be free. But sometimes our leaders are pretty flippant about sending someone else's kid in harm's way. If you really support our troops ask yourself some questions???????

Where's the outrage that after two years our troops don't have the body armour they need to protect themselves?

Where's the outrage that the Humvees they have are little better than the one's driven here in the States?

Where's the outrage that our vice-president's former employer has no-bid contracts in Iraq and has been overcharging at abominable amounts?

Where's the outrage that there is more than $8 billion in money targeted for Iraqi reconstruction that is missing and this administration refuses to investigate it?

Where's the outrage that there was a 'Downing Street Memo' released proving that this administration was ready to go to war 6 months before they did and they were telling us it was not in the planning, it would be a decision of last resort. A blatant lie we seem to be buying.

Where is the outrage that this administration has reduced it's military to a prison sentence that not many are buying into. To enlist in the military today you almost need your enlistees to have a similar mindset as a suicide bomber. If you pay attention you know the chances of coming out of Iraq unscathed by death, extreme mental or physical problems are remote. The only thing worse is that your government is not likely to care for you when you get back.

SUPPORT OUR TROOPS is nothing more than a ribbon strapped to the back of an SUV!

I suppose if you have a loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan you are more sensitive to these issues and are more prone to connect the dots. But, if you think this administration has anything more to accomplish than to' take care of us' you are very mistaken. In other words 'take care of us' means take control of us as a parent would take care of a child, knowing what is best for us and then 'MAKE IT LAW'. As Andrew Card had once said, paraphrasing, the president sees the country as his 10 year old children. Well, and this is an extreme, but what if your father is named Dobbs, the father that killed his own daughter and her best friend. It happened in a fit of rage when he thought the discipline doled out to her should not have been rescinded by her mother. Father does not always know best. And sometimes he could be dangerous, very dangerous.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

dynamic duo Posted by Hello

WE MUST WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!

The following link is by Scott Ritter, a U.N. weapons inspector who has an informed opinion about the war in Iraq. I wrote about the 'Downing Street Memo' the other day and . . . nothing. If you read this and the 'Downing Street Memo' and don't see a 'white hot smoking gun' you will never wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Bush' Stem Cell Lines Posted by Hello CLICK ON TOON TO ENLARGE


Stem Cell Research / Abortion Issue

Ignoring President Bush's threat of a veto, the House voted Tuesday to lift limits on embryonic stem cell research, a measure that supporters say could accelerate cures for diseases but opponents viewed as akin to abortion.

Bush does this photo op with these kids that were born from frozen embryos as if the stem cells to be used for research would deny these children being born, but this is so typically hypocritical of this administration. The only stem cells to be used for research are the ones to be discarded. So Bush is okay with discarding the stem cells but is against them being used for research. That's similar to outlawing organ donation.

And take the issue of abortion. The right makes it an issue they're against and twists the issue in a direction like the left would want rampant abortion. When, in fact, nobody is a fan of abortion. The issue is that it is to be allowed in certain circumstances. What do you think would happen if one of the Bush twins was raped by someone akin to this Dobbs maniac that killed his own daughter. I guarantee it would never come out that she had an abortion, but I guarantee you she would miscarry and that would be the end of it. Or do you think George in all his divine goodness would just accept this child as his first grandchild?

The right refers to abortion as murder, but they would never consider bringing up a woman who had an abortion on murder charges. I shouldn't say never, but it has never been called murder in that context. My point is that they talk about things in idealogical extremes for maximum distortion. Consider this, when you celebrate a birthday your age is calculated from the day you were born, not conceived . . . you're not 30 years and 9 months old. These things need to be looked at logically not idealogically. That's what I think.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Look you gotta break it before you can fix it . . . and I loved the shock and awe thing !!! Posted by Hello


The Statistics on the Cakewalk We Call The Iraqi War
Today is the 1,351st day since Osama bin Laden's attack on the U.S. on September 11, 2001. The amount of days between the attack on Pearl Harbor and VJ Day was 1,348 days. This administration absolutely did not lead us to believe that this would be anything less than a piece of cake. Trouble is, it was a rotten cake and it made us all sick. Oh, well . . . .

Recent Harris Interactive Poll Shows That:
How confident are you that U.S. policies in Iraq are successful?
May 2005
Confident -------- 25%
Not confident ---- 54%
Not sure --------- 20%

March 2005
Confident -------- 30%
Not confident ----- 49%
Not sure ---------- 21%

Considering everything that has happened, do you think military action was the right or wrong thing in Iraq?
May 2005
Right ------------- 39%
Wrong ------------ 48%
Not sure ---------- 13%

March 2005
Right -------------- 41%
Wrong ------------- 45%
Not sure ----------- 15%

We are slowly waking up. I just hope that the day when everybody sees the light we're not in a depression, about to become part of the third world, enduring floods, hurricanes and other consequences of global warming, etc. That's probably the day you might not want to wake up.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

we are the energizer-bunny generation -- keep on truckin' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Hello

Have YOU heard anything about THIS story? Posted by Hello

If you get your information from Rush Limbaugh you are an IDIOT !!! Posted by Hello CLICK ON TOON TO ENLARGE

How Do We Get Distracted To The Wrong Story?

The top news story over the past few days has been the Newsweek article about flushing the Koran down a toilet. How could the White House come out and say that this incident, which if it isn't accurate, is not untrue. There have been other instances of 'Koran abuse' over the past year and it hasn't sparked this kind of fury. Let's also remember that this administration is the one guilty of creating this atmosphere of anger towards the U.S.

On March 17, 2004, the Independent of London interviewed the first British citizen released from Guantanamo Bay. The prisoner said he had been physically beaten but did not consider that as bad as the psychological torture, which he described extensively. Jamal al-Harith, a computer programmer from Manchester, said 70 percent of the inmates had gone on a hunger strike after a guard kicked a cop of the Koran. The strike was ended by force-feeding.

December 30, 2004, "Released Moroccan Guantanamo Detainee Tells Islamist Paper of His Ordeal reported the Financial Times. They watched you each time you went to the toilet; the American soldiers used to tear up copies of the Koran and throw them in the toilet," said the released prisoner.

January 9, 2005, Andrew Sullivan, writing in the Sun Times of London said, "We now know a great deal of what has gone on in U.S. detention facilities under the Bush administration. Several government and Red Cross reports detail the way many detainees have been treated. We know for certain that five inmates have been tortured to death, 23 others died under suspicious circumstances, thousands of women and children were grabbed almost at randomfrom their homes in Baghdad, taken to Sadaam's former torture palace and subjected to abuse, murder, beatings, semi-crucifixions and rape.

I don't think a article that Newsweek wrote caused this rioting and killing as the White House would have you believe. This administration will take any opportunity to take the focus off of them. And I think they've done it again. Why else would the "Downing Street Memo" be off the front page. This is damaging news for this administration because it confirms that Bush was determined to go to war at least 6 months before we did. I can't understand how we can be so easily manipulated. This country is guilty of torture and guilty of lying about it. We need to do something about it now.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Think we'll be burning witches again? Posted by Hello

No Problem, Just Change the Rules

Tom Delay should be brought up on ethics charges according to the ethics rules. This administration's solution change the rules. Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist vows to blow up the Senate (the nuclear option) to outlaw any filibuster against Bush's judicial nominees. Democrats have approved 218 nominees, but are blocking 10 as too extreme. That is unacceptable to Frist.

So, instead of Bush defusing the situation he nominates the same 10 judges that had been blocked before, essentially ordering Frist to blow up the Senate. Just like it was in the run-up to the war in Iraq, Bush is just intent on winning, with little or no sense of the costs or consequences of what he's driving this country into. The fight here is over the judges and the direction Bush will take this country if he has free reign. It's not about an assault on "people of faith"by blocking 10 of 200 nominees. Is Bush so infallible that to question 10 of 200 nominees is to risk eternal damnation?

Bush is not nominating conservative judges, he's nominating radicals that will push his agenda through the courts. We're talking about women's rights (Roe v Wade), segregation (Brown v Board of Education). He has a different take on other issues such as the environment, global warming, defending workers and corporate accountability. STAY AWAKE ! ! !

I REFUSE TO BE A DUPE !!! Posted by Hello

Newsweek or the Downing Street Memo -- priorities and importance

I can't believe this administration's incompetence and how it is not reported in the mainstream media. There was a story that broke in a London newspaper on May 1st concerning a memo that outraged the public in the UK. It broke here a couple of days ago on the blog It has been reported here today without much outrage or concern.

On the other hand Newsweek reports on a flushing of the Quran, which caused riots and outrage around the world. Who gets all the heat . . . Newsweek. The story has not been proven wrong. The source now is uncertain of the accuracy of the reporting. Many other stories of the Quran being disrespected have been reported, an example -- by spraying it with black paint. Anyway, this story is not the one that should be taking front page status, especially if the blame for all the abuses doesn't fall on this administration, as it should.

The story that needs to be out front is the Downing Street Memo. According to an article in the Chicago Tribune:
A British official's report that the Bush administration appeared intent on invading Iraq long before it "fixed" intelligence to fit its intention -- has caused a stir in Britain. But the potentially explosive revelation has proven to be something of a dudin the United States. The White House has denied the premise of the memo, the American media have reacted slowly to it and the public generally seems indifferent to the issue or unwilling to rehash the bitter prewar debate over the reasons for the war.

Analogy -- let's say someone murders someone, and he's a likely suspect but there is not enough proof to convict him. But things just keep surfacing little by little. Do we just get tired of hearing about it and just let the guy off rather than rehash the same old crime over and over.

Bush wanted to invade Iraq 6 months before he did it. That's the point of this memo. While he was telling us, just before he got the okay, that this option would be a last resort. He would only do it if it was absolutely necessary. He got the okay. What people don't remember is that he got the okay only after all other options failed. He got the okay and he was on his horse and gone to war.

Another form of manipulating the public came out earlier this week when Tom Ridge said that against his better judgement, the terror threat level was raised and lowered for obvious political reasons. How do you think this guy got back in office. He kept that fear factor high with the premise that changing leaders would hurt our safety.

The new Star Wars movie comes out this week and I've heard hints about parts of it being compared to this administration. At a news conference, George Lucas was asked if the movie Republic's collapse into an evil Empire was directed at the Bush administration.

Lucas said he originally wrote Star Wars during Vietnam era and the Nixon administration and that he studied democracies that turned into dictatorships. "As you go through history, I didn't think it would get quite this close," he said. "I hope this doesn't come true in our own country. Maybe the film will awaken people to the situation and how dangerous it is."

One line in the movie has drawn a lot of attention: "If you're not with me, then you're the enemy," Darth Vader says. The line echoes Bush's ultimatum after the Sept. 11 attacks, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."
Maybe the force is against you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Osama bin Back

According to the Asia Times finding Osama bin Laden may be imminent . . . I'm not sure what it would mean at this point. I guess, if he's still the head honcho, it would be a blow to his cause. But I think this whole thing has gotten so diluted, that you have mini-bin Ladens all over the place that might see him as a martyr. Anyway click on this link for the story.

Anybody Remember Iraq?

It seems the last time Iraq predominated the news was when purple fingers were being raised in the January 30th elections. That was considered a success. But put in context it was a success as in ' I've loaded my weapon in preparation for battle '. Great, but if that's the last heard about it, do you think the battle is going very well?

Well, I think not. Consider the last couple of weeks have been among the bloodiest since the U.S. invasion, with more than 420 people killed. The insurgents have been mounting an average of 70 attacks per day compared to 30 or 40 in March. In April, even before the latest expansion in violence, the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency testified. "The insurgency has grown in size and complexity over the last year."

It's not only grown, but it's grown in a way other than what the administration suggests. They say it is mostly foreign fighters coming in to fight. When in fact they are home grown insurgents. We are screwing this up so bad that we are the poster child for insurgent recruitment.

There seems to be a "Catch 22". We need to rebuild the infrastructure -- roads, electricity, water, fuel, the basic necessities of life. But we can't do it because we can't achieve a secure environment. So all the money, approaching $300 BILLION, is being used for security. Sure, some of it is used for rebuilding, but when you rebuild and can't secure, the rebuilt becomes un-rebuilt(destroyed).

There should be some collective outrage over this. But most people get their news from the mass media which sees more importance in "the runaway bride", "jacko the wacko", "brittney spears pregnancy" and reality tv shows. The real reality is occurring in your everyday life and if you don't pay attention you'll wake up too late. And better late than never doesn't count here.

the christian right will lead us down the path to glory ????????????? Posted by Hello

Church and State

In recent years the Bible has emerged as a major force in the political arena.

For example, devotees of the Scriptures have quoted this sacred source to justify religious support for the war in Iraq. In fundamentalist Christian communities this war is seen as bringing peace to the Middle East and securing Israel's establishment, which they believe are the conditions for the coming of the "rapture" and thus the end of the world.

Bush and his administration could not be a better head to Osama bin Laden's tail. Two sides of the same coin. Good versus evil. Both think they are the "good". And in winning the battle "the ends justify the means". Can you say "Self-fullfilling prophecy"?

The Bible is regularly quoted by conservative Christians to argue that what they call "the homosexual lifestyle" is contrary to Scripture. Politically this takes the form of seeking to amend the Constitution to discriminate against our citizens who are gay or lesbian.

In this basic charter nearly every previous attempt at amendment has been to expand freedom. Now these Bible quoters want to reverse that trend, failing to see that if today's majority can amend the constitution to discriminate, then no one is safe from tomorrow's majority.

The idea that citizens with a certain religious position can seek to impose their religious agenda on the whole body politic violates everything about the separation of church and state. Everyone should be able to practice their own religion and no one should be able to impose their beliefs on anyone else. The very reason this nation was founded must not be compromised by the zealotry of some of our citizens.

Just as Osama bin Laden is hijacking Islam to reach his ends, Bush and this administration are taking Christianity and using it to empower themselves. Why else would they be considering anything against their agenda as anti-religious. These guys walk with the Bible in one hand and sin in the other. But sin is needed to win the war between "good and evil".

Friday, May 13, 2005

Will Limbaugh take this debate??????

Right-wingnut Rush Limbaugh said on his nationally syndicated radio show that Evanston Township High School students "don't know anything about World War II" and "they've probably never heard the name Adolph Hitler" because they're so focused on a multicultural curriculum.

The Evanston kids want to show him what they know. They want to debate him on American history. I personally feel that if there was a debate it would be as scripted as a George Bush speech or press conference.

An article in the Christian Science Monitor that profiled global studies courses required at ETHS. Limbaugh railed against multicultural education and focused on the North Shore school. "What multiculturalists is, is balkanizing this country. People are coming here from various parts of the world and they're bringing their cultures with them and the multiculturalists are saying 'your culture is better than the American culture. The American culture is discriminatory, it's racist, sexist, bigot, homophobic.' "

Sarah Loeb, an ETHS sophomore, said "Maybe he might be a little intimidated because I don't know his basis for saying we don't know anything. But I think he might be interested if he wants to live up to his reputation and back up his ideas so he doesn't look stupid.

These students all choose among several "global perspectives" courses covering the Middle East, Africa , Latin America, Asia and Russia. In the Middle East class, for example, students adopt a new identity for the semester -- a Syrian baker or a medical student from Qatar -- and try to view what's transpiring in the region from that perspective.

Supt. Allan Alson said " It struck me as incomprehensible that somebody would think multiculturalism antithetical to American values. I was stunned that he had such certainty that our kids are not knowledgeable about basic American history when in fact our students do extremely well on tests in that area. It's a shame he lets his conclusions determine his evidence."


AIR AMERICA IS BACK ON 850 AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Monday, May 09, 2005


I saw an excellent movie this weekend directed by Paul Haggis the guy who wrote the screenplay for 'Million Dollar Baby'. It's an intertwining story set in LA about racism, prejudice and ultimately reflection. This film is as good, if not better than 'MDB'. 4 stars and a must see!!!

click for the trailer

Saturday, May 07, 2005

with all due respect, i can't see the blessed virgin in this. maybe carrot top with his tongue hanging out . . . but come on this is a stretch. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 06, 2005


this is a picture of a door in a house my family lived in about forty years ago. it was interesting but we didn't worship it. our lady of the salt stain is a salt stain. thou shalt not worship false gods . . . Posted by Hello

The Environment . . . again

Twenty two years ago the EPA issued a report titled "Can We Delay a Greenhouse Warming?" At the time the conclusiuon was that some warming was inevitable. But how much and how fast? Today there's no doubt that Earth's climate is changing.

Globally, nine of the last ten years have been the warmest since records began in 1861. In the last 100 years average global temperatures have risen by about 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit. Europe had a heat wave in 2003 that killed 26,000. Chicago recorded 700 deaths in 1995.

Scientists recently met at the Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research in the UK. This gathering presented evidence that global warming risks are more serious than previously thought. They found that greenhouse gases are affecting rainfall patterns and the global water cycle. The latest scientific predictions suggest that global temperatures are set to rise between 2.5 and 10.4 degrees F. over the next century unless we do something.

American and European scientists have shown that , if the Greenland ice sheet eventually disappears, this would lead to a rise in sea levels of about 23 feet over the next millenium, and the process of melting, once set in motion could be irreversible.

The heads of the G-8 countries will meet in July under the Prime Minister Tony Blair at Gleneagles in Scotland to show they are united to reduce emissions. Will Bush be there?

Don't count on him being there in a helpful capacity if he is. Today the Bush administration took sweeping action to open 60 million acres, about 1/3 of national forest land, to new road construction, logging and commercial use of previously protected areas.

Click on the following for full story,1,343734.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed

Andrew Greeley

Click on this. He says it better than I can.

Sunday, May 01, 2005


I saw the new documentary about the fall of Enron today, Enron: the smartest guys in the room, and I highly recommend it. But I suggest you see the documentary, "The Corporation", just released on video first. The Corporation will give you some insight into why the Enron debacle was able to happen.

"The Corporation" will give you some insight into what a corporation is. Legally a corporation is defined as a person. And the ends justify the means in keeping this entity alive and flourishing. It's kind of scary when you put these two docs together and understand a bit better what is happening in today's world and how it relates to us "little guys".

And once you see these two films and put all this into context and relate it all to the administration running our government today, relating to Halliburton, Bechtel, et al you realize how we are really getting SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do recommend that you see these films and draw your own conclusions. But I don't know that you'll come away feeling that we are in a good place. We're suckin' down the kool aid like it's . . . KOOL AID. It ain't.
click below to view trailer