* Greenland Ice Sheet loses 100 square miles, biggest loss since 1962 (Aug. 2010)
* Russia's drought-driven halt to wheat exports panics world grain markets (Aug. 2010)
* Pakistan's worst flood in recorded history claims some 1,100 lives (July, 2010)
* International study confirms accelerating warming trend (July, 2010)
* Rapid decline in phytoplankton population stuns scientists (July, 2010)
* Flash floods seen increasing as Milwaukee gets eight inches in two hours (July, 2010)
* Senate climate bill collapses (July, 2010)
* Coral reef deaths soar in record ocean heat (July, 2010)
* First half of 2010 was hottest such period on record (July, 2010)
* Carbon lobby launches "CO2 is Green" campaign (July, 2010)
* Massive Greenland glacier retreats one mile in one night (July, 2010)
* Military declares climate change "a catalyst for conflict" (June, 2010)
* Malaria soars with small rainforest reductions (June, 2010)
* Oceans have stored more heat than they released since 1993 (May, 2010)
* Climate change is causing "irreversible" destruction of ocean life systems (June, 2010)
* Himalayan glacier melt puts 60 million people at risk of food shortages (June, 2010)
* Warming pushes many small mammal species to the brink (June, 2010)
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