Friday, June 02, 2006


I went to the 11:40 show the following is my reviewnow posted on internet movie database. The most terifying thing I've ever seenNo other film I've seen in my lifetime calls theviewer to reevaluate their thinking and personalpriorities. An Inconvenient Truth casts in starkrelief the very real plight the human race faces INOUR LIFETIME! Al Gore is simply the messenger in thisstory and this message should transcend partisanship.The real story of this film is not Gore but rather thedrastic changes in climate in just the last 20 years.Gore articulates from every angle how mother nature isslapping us in the face begging us to wake up. 9/11was terrible and terrorism should be a serious concernbut a real weapon of mass destruction is headed ourway that will dwarf the loss of that tragic day. NoI'm not going to say that anyone who voted for theBush administration has unwittingly signed the deathwarrant of their grandchildren but the RepublicanParty simply must make radical changes to theirenvironmental platform. I reiterate this is everyone'sproblem. Al Gore's mission here is to illustrate thatwe're not talking about the abstract here. This isnot something that we will be forced to address 100years from now. This problem is immediate. Tsunami's,hurricanes, fires and floods are just the beginning.Now as a film An Inconvenient Truth could have beenunbearable with it's grim message but Gore offers aray of hope that change is possible through technologyand political will. American's bear the lion's shareof this responsibility as our co2 output far surpassesother countries'. This means that you as an Americanvoter has been empowered to quite literally save theplanet. I urge everyone to explore their Rep'senvironmental record and vote accordingly. The writingis on the wall will someone please read it!--- jim druzik <> wrote:> fulfilled my pledge. how about you? this should> start to help wake people up.> > > You have been sent 1 picture.> > incon. truth ticket.jpg> > These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.> Try it out here:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Off da hizzle!