Monday, November 21, 2005


Next potential disaster and we have a 'Brownie' to coordinate the relief effort -- Stewart Simonson is now in charge of "the protection of the civilian population from acts of bioterrorism and other public health emergencies," according to his government biography. He also is in charge of ensuring the country has adequate vaccines and and anti-viral medicines to combat an avian flu epidemic. Unfortunate ly for us his qualifications are as a political attorney. As he recently told a congressional subcommittee, "We're learning as we go." What the hell is at the head of this government?

It's going to be a dog fight -- Representative John Murtha (D. Pa.), a highly decorated Vietnam veteran with 37-years of service, made a passionate plea to remove our soldiers from now (a six month deployment plan). What happens? This administration calls him a coward -- Rep. Jean Schmidt (R.Ohio) said . . . "cowards cut and run, Marines never do". He justifiably shoots back that no one in this administration has had any military experience and are trying to make military decisions and dismissing military advice. I mean, to me that's like putting your attorneys to work in accounting offices and vice versa. That's the way this administration is running. The good thing out of this is that the Democrats are starting to show some teeth.

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