Friday, October 14, 2005


VETO -- The Bush administration pledged to veto legislation banning the torture of prisoners by U.S. troops after an overwhelming and almost unprecedented revolt by loyalist congressmen. The Senate vote passed 90 to 9 with most Republicans backing the measure.

In five years he does not veto anything and the first time he does it's on an obviously humanitarian measure. Some true colors are coming through.

Chattin' with the troops -- It was billed as a conversation with U.S. troopsbut the questions President Bush asked on a teleconference call Thursday were choreographed to match his goals for the war in Iraq and Saturday's vote on Iraq's new constitution.

Paul Reickhoff, director of the New York-based Operation Truth, an advocacy group for veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, denounced the event as a "carefully scripted publicity stunt."

It seems Bush is having a tough time without his "brain". Some true colors are coming through.

Terror alerts -- It's becoming apparently clear that the terror alerts we get coincide with the administration's need to focus away from their problems. George Tenet alluded to this some time ago, stating that there were times that terror alerts were given and he advised that they were not necessary. I think that in today's "terror atmosphere" that this is tantamount to mentally torturing your citizens. Some true colors are coming through.

Click to read Keith Olberman's 13 coincidences of Bush's shell game.

Harriet Miers -- I personally think Bush's logic for nominating Miers to the Supreme Court is to put a ringer on the court for himself. Consider the indictments looming over this administration. Anything brought before the Supreme Court would cause Miers to recuse herself taking the court to 8 judges and no swing vote. Everything this administration does is in its own best interest and they could are less about the citizens they are supposed to be serving.

Washington columnist Marie Cocco said in a Tribune column today, "Besides its brutal partisanship, nothing guides this administration so much as its contempt for the people's right to know anything, on any subject.This is a White House that claims the right to keep secret the names of lobbyists who helped the vice president write the administration's energy bill. The truth is not to be known by anyone outside the inner sanctum -- the tight circle from which , coincidentally, Miers herself was plucked." Some true colors are coming through.

Are we awake yet?

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