Saturday, August 13, 2005


Well, President Bush on his way to a barbecue at a nearby ranch in Crawford, Texas had to pass the protest that Cindy Sheehan has started. She has in a number of different ways, most recently in a TV ad, pleaded with Bush to talk to her concerning her son's death and the war in Iraq. The only way that Bush would even be allowed to talk to this woman is if his handlers agreed to it. All the protesters would have to be replace with invited guests. Cheney and Rove would have to sit in on the conversation. Then Sheehan would hear just what she doesn't want to. 'Freedom's on the March', 'We Must Stay The Course', 'We're Fighting For A Noble Cause', 'We Must Stay Until Or Mission is Accomplished'.

Think about it. When was the last time you can remember Bush being out in the open at an un-choreographed event. The debates during the presidential elections of 2004. Even then, if you remember, he had that lump in the middle of his back and that dear-in-the-headlights look on his face. This administration has this facade that most people are starting to see through. I think that they just figure they have enough people duped to keep up the charade.

Bush is completely disconnected from the outside world. Every event he is allowed to attend is filled with invited guests. The riff-raff is kept out. You won't get into a Bush event with so much as a Kerry T-shirt or a Democratic bumper sticker. So every time Bush arrives at one of these events there's nothing but cheers, soft-scripted questions and the air of the greatest President ever arriving. That would make anyone delusional. I'm sure as his motorcade passed the Sheehan protest his handlers made sure he was insulated from seeing the protest.

I am certain that Sheehan is not going to have her meeting with Bush and I believe that if she did she would slap him in frustration. But I think she is accomplishing her mission in a different way. Bush is acting like a criminal taking the fifth in his trial. He won't answer any questions that may incriminate him. And I believe Sheehan's questions would have Bush taking more fifths than he had before becoming sober. Here's how I think the meeting might go:

Mister President why did we go into Iraq?

Mrs. Sheehan we did it to spread democracy and freedom throughout the Middle East. We did it to rid the world of an evil tyrant.

Mister President why did my son have to die?

Mrs. Sheehan your son died for a noble cause.

What noble cause?

To rid the world of an evil tyrant and spread freedom and democracy throughout the Middle East.

Mr. President why are we still in Iraq, why don't you bring our troops home?

Cindy we must stay the course and complete the mission. Pulling out would send the wrong message to the enemy.


Ouch! She's a maniac. Lock her up at Gitmo.

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