Tuesday, April 05, 2005

It Ain't Our Fault -- No Way No How

So this administration is going to let the intelligence agencies take the full blame for the Iraq mess. They did not cherry pick the intelligence they got from the FBI, CIA, etc. Let's try to go back and recall the way things happened.

August 6, 2001 -- Presidential Daily Briefing with the title Bin laden determined to strike within the United States. Dick Clarke warns the President that this is serious and should not be taken lightly. And I can't recall if it was Tenet or Clarke running around like their hair's on fire. But I would say the red flags popped up. No action taken . . . next thing 9/11.

Curveball (whoever he is) is coming to light now as a very unreliable source of intelligence. Ahmed Chalabi, a swindler from Jordan, is another source of intelligence on WMD. Here you've got some of your higher ups in intelligence telling you, and proving, that the uranium in Africa story is fabricated, that it would be better to let the weapons inspectors do their job and keep Sadaam contained while we think this thing out. It was cherry pickin' time in the White House. If you think different, I got a couple of towers in New York I'd like to sell you.
jjd Posted by Hello

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