Monday, March 21, 2005

Who Get's to Live?

This whole ordeal with Terri Schiavo is so obviously political. This woman suffered from bulemia and from a lack of potassium suffered a heart attack and wound up where she's at. My understanding is that this is irreversible. So she will be as she is through her life. Her wishes to her husband was never to be on life support. At least, and I know it was more, 16 judges have heard this case and judged on it. So, the victims wishes are not important in this issue.

Remember, this is happening in Florida, Bush needs to pander to the religious right who were responsible for him being in office. They want some of that political capital he's spending. Let's say you, John/Jane Q. Public, were in this same situation; and in this country, unscientifically, I believe there are many similar situations. Would there be a fight to spend a spot on the medical treatment tray on someone who is existing in a manner she rejects.

If you remember back in December, this planet had one of it's most horrendous disasters. It took George 3 days to acknowledge that it happened. It took him , what something like 10 minutes to break out of his stupor on 9/11 and start to act on the tragedy. Now, he blasts out of Crawford on a weekend, believe me it's unheard of, to do an emergency hearing on this.

This administration should be ashamed of doing something like this. It's basically using this situation for its own gains. What about the sanctity of marriage? Why don't they respect the wishes of the husband as related to him by his wife, his life's partner. How can you ever start to think about trusting this administration?

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