Thursday, December 23, 2004

Compassionate Conservatism/Moral Values vs Support Our Troops

Donald Rumsfeld's response to the soldier that questioned the lack of proper equipment for our troops was from the heart. The problem, is it was just more proof of how cold that heart is. How can you tell our troops that when you go to war you work with the equipment you have?
This is a war of choice, not necessity. So, there was time to prepare for what you were about to face. But Rummy the Dummy wanted to do it on the cheap against the advice of his advisers in uniform.
Greg Rund was a freshman at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, in 1999, when two students shot and killeda teacher, a dozen of their fellow students and themselves.Rund survived that, but he was killed in Fallujah on December 11. Because of severe military shortages many of our troops are on more than one tour of duty. Greg Rund was one of them. He served his country and had to be sent back only to be killed.
Imagine the feeling of anticipation as you count down the days until you can go home to your family, not to mention the anticipation of your family counting those days down. So, it's two weeks and you are outta here. Then the bad news comes -- your tour has been extended. That'll take the wind out of your sails. How do you psyche yourself up for that situation? And if you are able to do it, what if it happens again?
The Army National Guard revealed last week that it had missed it's recruiting goals for the past two months by 30 percent. This translates into the back door draft being used as the tool to keep up troop strength. But you're sucking the lifeblood out of these guys by doing this. Mental health problems for our troops is going to be one of the biggest medical stories of this war.
With all the "support our troops" talk that this administration hangs onto, you have to ask if they practice what they preach. The answer is no.
Consider the tax cuts to benefit the rich but the lack of funding for armour, pay, safety and compassion. I don't think these guys know the definition of compassion. If they did Halliburton would not be getting no-bid contracts and fleecing taxpayers who are footing the bill. Weren't the Iraqis going to rebuild their country? Instead they have an extremely high unemployment rate which translates into an angry population. They can only directly or indirectly take it out on our troops. Directly by taking up arms against our troops. Indirectly by aiding and abetting the insurgency.
From the beginning the war in Iraq has been a tragic exercise in this administration's incompetence. The original reason for the war was wrong. The intelligence was wrong. The estimates for troop strength were wrong. The Iraqi response to the 'liberation' was wrong. The cost estimates were wrong. I SUPPORT OUR TROOPS. But I support them in stopping their valiant effort for an administration that administers bad faith and shoddy treatment. These guys put up with an Iraqi army that they can't really trust. We can't compound that with an administration that they can't trust. Compassion? Moral Values? Bulls--t!!!!!!!!!

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