Friday, May 13, 2005

Will Limbaugh take this debate??????

Right-wingnut Rush Limbaugh said on his nationally syndicated radio show that Evanston Township High School students "don't know anything about World War II" and "they've probably never heard the name Adolph Hitler" because they're so focused on a multicultural curriculum.

The Evanston kids want to show him what they know. They want to debate him on American history. I personally feel that if there was a debate it would be as scripted as a George Bush speech or press conference.

An article in the Christian Science Monitor that profiled global studies courses required at ETHS. Limbaugh railed against multicultural education and focused on the North Shore school. "What multiculturalists is, is balkanizing this country. People are coming here from various parts of the world and they're bringing their cultures with them and the multiculturalists are saying 'your culture is better than the American culture. The American culture is discriminatory, it's racist, sexist, bigot, homophobic.' "

Sarah Loeb, an ETHS sophomore, said "Maybe he might be a little intimidated because I don't know his basis for saying we don't know anything. But I think he might be interested if he wants to live up to his reputation and back up his ideas so he doesn't look stupid.

These students all choose among several "global perspectives" courses covering the Middle East, Africa , Latin America, Asia and Russia. In the Middle East class, for example, students adopt a new identity for the semester -- a Syrian baker or a medical student from Qatar -- and try to view what's transpiring in the region from that perspective.

Supt. Allan Alson said " It struck me as incomprehensible that somebody would think multiculturalism antithetical to American values. I was stunned that he had such certainty that our kids are not knowledgeable about basic American history when in fact our students do extremely well on tests in that area. It's a shame he lets his conclusions determine his evidence."


AIR AMERICA IS BACK ON 850 AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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