Sunday, May 01, 2005


I saw the new documentary about the fall of Enron today, Enron: the smartest guys in the room, and I highly recommend it. But I suggest you see the documentary, "The Corporation", just released on video first. The Corporation will give you some insight into why the Enron debacle was able to happen.

"The Corporation" will give you some insight into what a corporation is. Legally a corporation is defined as a person. And the ends justify the means in keeping this entity alive and flourishing. It's kind of scary when you put these two docs together and understand a bit better what is happening in today's world and how it relates to us "little guys".

And once you see these two films and put all this into context and relate it all to the administration running our government today, relating to Halliburton, Bechtel, et al you realize how we are really getting SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do recommend that you see these films and draw your own conclusions. But I don't know that you'll come away feeling that we are in a good place. We're suckin' down the kool aid like it's . . . KOOL AID. It ain't.
click below to view trailer

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