Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Today President Bush outlined his strategy for victory in Iraq. Once again he placed himself in the middle of a bunch of troops or cadets or anyone that will not question his motives or strategy. Not far into the speech he had to bring up 9/11. He brought it up in the context of this group being the first to graduate that weren't in the academy since 9/11. But it was just that he has to bring up 9/11 in every speech.

All he did was regurgitate the same old 'stay the course', 'have resolve', 'complete the mission', blah, blah, blah. The mission, as best I can understand, is to wipe out terrorism. He will not settle for less than complete victory. What is complete victory? Wiping out terrorism. That's like wiping out hatred. You can fight that forever with no final result. So he's basically leaving this as an open ended fight. You will never wipe out terrorism any more than you will wipe out hate. So, this just leaves this open to him until he declares victory.

A scary thing about this is that Bush feels that he is put at this place at this time by God. God put him in the White House to fullfill His mission. That is the scariest part of this. Bush isn't listening to any of the advisers he should listen to. He promises the world but delivers nothing but words. Remember New Orleans? The are still 40% without electricity. There are people scattered all over the country as refugees. I believe his strategy is, that if you scatter them all over the country there won't be any base that can complain and be heard.

I think the new bumper sticker should be --- WWJIB (When would Jesus impeach Bush)? NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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