Sunday, January 23, 2005

From Sponge Bob to the Economy

It's the first post of the new year and my points will not necessariily be in chronological order but will cover events of the past few weeks of the new year.

Sponge Bob Square Pants
OK, so Sponge Bob Square Pants(SBSP) holds hands with his friend Patrick, and this is to prom0te homosexuality. Then, when that wascally wabbit Bugs Bunny kissed Elmer Fudd smack on the lips -- that must have promoted bestiality . . .

Freedom Rings
According to Bush's inauguration speech we are looking to spread freedom throughtout the world. But in some ways it seems this administration wants to redefine freedom as we are doling it out. I can't help but think as 'we' talk freedom to other countries we are losing our own. Case in point Juan Padilla, an American Citizen, arrested at O'Hare Airport in Chicago not being allowed due process. If I let that go it means it could also be me.

Bush -- Person of the Year
Bush being made Person of the Year really did make sense to me. When you consider the qualifications it makes perfect sense. You need to have made an extraordinary impact on the world. If this shmuck doesn't qualify I don't know who does.
  • takes huge surplus and transforms it into a huge deficit
  • takes world support for the U.S. after 9/11 from a world united behind us to a world looking at us with disdain and disgust.
  • rewrote the Geneva Conventions to his administration's needs. How do we denounce their beheadings when we accept torture. It's not that they're doing worse than us. It's that we are better and more humane -- at least that's what we're supposed to be all about, right?
  • Mr. "Moral Values" "Compassionate Conservative" 'Leader of the Free World' waits three days to acknowledge the fact that said "Free World" (also known as planet earth), experienced a disaster of "biblical" proportions.
  • Once this disaster is acknowleged we offer the lowest financial relief , per capita, of almost any other nation. But, on the up side for some troops, the USS Abraham Lincoln (the same carrier that Bush declared "mission accomplished") was headed to Indonesia to help in the relief effort. Needless to say, they were much more upbeat on that mission.

The U.S. Economy

We are suffering from financial dependency. Our debt-financed growth and growing imbalance in the trade deficit leave us dangerously indebted to rival nations. And this is happening during a real quagmire in Iraq not to mention a crises situation in energy prices. Bottom line -- I don't think we could stand another "IRAQ" otherwise known as "IRAN" "SYRIA" "NORTH KOREA" and on and on . . .

$40,000,000 on inaugural festivities while . .

170,000 + die from tsunami disaster

troops in Iraq are dealing with no armor or "hillbilly armor"

genocide in Sudan

global warming and the environment

the $40,000,000 did not include all the security needed to protect these festivities from the wrath of . . .

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